Bible Society of South Africa

Season after Pentecost: Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

First reading and Psalm

Ruth Finds a Husband

1Some time later Naomi said to Ruth, “I must find a husband for you, so that you will have a home of your own. 2Remember that this man Boaz, whose women you have been working with, is our relative. Now listen. This evening he will be threshing the barley. 3So wash yourself, put on some perfume, and get dressed in your best clothes. Then go where he is threshing, but don't let him know you are there until he has finished eating and drinking. 4Be sure to notice where he lies down, and after he falls asleep, go and lift the covers and lie down at his feet. He will tell you what to do.”

5Ruth answered, “I will do everything you say.”

Ruth 3:1-5GNBOpen in Bible reader

Boaz and his Descendants

13So Boaz took Ruth home as his wife. The LORD blessed her, and she became pregnant and had a son. 14The women said to Naomi, “Praise the LORD! He has given you a grandson today to take care of you. May the boy become famous in Israel! 15Your daughter-in-law loves you, and has done more for you than seven sons. And now she has given you a grandson, who will bring new life to you and give you security in your old age.” 16Naomi took the child, held him close, and took care of him.

17The women of the neighbourhood named the boy Obed. They told everyone, “A son has been born to Naomi!”

Obed became the father of Jesse, who was the father of David.

Ruth 4:13-17GNBOpen in Bible reader

In Praise of God's Goodness

1If the LORD does not build the house,

the work of the builders is useless;

if the LORD does not protect the city,

it is useless for the sentries to stand guard.

2It is useless to work so hard for a living,

getting up early and going to bed late.

For the LORD provides for those he loves,

while they are asleep.

3Children are a gift from the LORD;

they are a real blessing.

4The sons a man has when he is young

are like arrows in a soldier's hand.

5Happy is the man who has many such arrows.

He will never be defeated

when he meets his enemies in the place of judgement.

Psalms 127:1-5GNBOpen in Bible reader
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