Bible Society of South Africa

Epiphany: Transfiguration Sunday


God's Chosen King

1Why do the nations plan rebellion?

Why do people make their useless plots?

2Their kings revolt,

their rulers plot together against the LORD

and against the king he chose.

3“Let us free ourselves from their rule,” they say;

“let us throw off their control.”

4From his throne in heaven the Lord laughs

and mocks their feeble plans.

5Then he warns them in anger

and terrifies them with his fury.

6“On Zion, my sacred hill,” he says,

“I have installed my king.”

7“I will announce,” says the king, “what the LORD has declared.

He said to me: ‘You are my son;

today I have become your father.

8Ask, and I will give you all the nations;

the whole earth will be yours.

9You will break them with an iron rod;

you will shatter them in pieces like a clay pot.’ ”

10Now listen to this warning, you kings;

learn this lesson, you rulers of the world:

11Serve the LORD with fear;

12tremble and bow down to him;

or else his anger will be quickly aroused,

and you will suddenly die.

Happy are all who go to him for protection.

Psalms 2:1-12GNBOpen in Bible reader

God the Supreme King

1The LORD is king;

and the people tremble.

He is enthroned above the winged creatures

and the earth shakes.

2The LORD is mighty in Zion;

he is supreme over all the nations.

3Everyone will praise his great and majestic name.

Holy is he!

4Mighty king, you love what is right;

you have established justice in Israel;

you have brought righteousness and fairness.

5Praise the LORD our God;

worship before his throne!

Holy is he!

6Moses and Aaron were his priests,

and Samuel was one who prayed to him;

they called to the LORD, and he answered them.

7He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud;

they obeyed the laws and commands that he gave them.

8O LORD, our God, you answered your people;

you showed them that you are a God who forgives,

even though you punished them for their sins.

9Praise the LORD our God,

and worship at his sacred hill!

The LORD our God is holy.

Psalms 99:1-9GNBOpen in Bible reader
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