Bible Society of South Africa

Epifanie: Sesde Sondag na die Epifanie


Jesus Teaches and Heals

17When Jesus had come down from the hill with the apostles, he stood on a level place with a large number of his disciples. A large crowd of people was there from all over Judea and from Jerusalem and from the coastal cities of Tyre and Sidon; 18they had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. Those who were troubled by evil spirits also came and were healed. 19All the people tried to touch him, for power was going out from him and healing them all.

Happiness and Sorrow

20Jesus looked at his disciples and said,

“Happy are you poor;

the Kingdom of God is yours!

21Happy are you who are hungry now;

you will be filled!

Happy are you who weep now;

you will laugh!

22“Happy are you when people hate you, reject you, insult you, and say that you are evil, all because of the Son of Man! 23Be glad when that happens, and dance for joy, because a great reward is kept for you in heaven. For their ancestors did the very same things to the prophets.

24“But how terrible for you who are rich now;

you have had your easy life!

25How terrible for you who are full now;

you will go hungry!

How terrible for you who laugh now;

you will mourn and weep!

26“How terrible when all people speak well of you; their ancestors said the very same things about the false prophets.

Luke 6:17-26GNBOpen in Bible reader
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