God sent his Son to talk to us
1Long ago God talked to our forefathers many times and in different ways. He sent a lot of prophets to talk to them. 2But now at the end of this time, God has sent his Son and this is how God has spoken to us. God decided that his Son will inherit everything. It will all belong to Him because God made heaven and earth through his Son. 3The Son shows that God is the King and the Son is exactly like God. If the Son says that something must happen, then it happens. He is the One who makes sure that everything is as it must be. He has purified and cleansed the people of their sins and He has gone to sit down at the most important place next to the King in heaven. 4This shows that the Son has become more important than the angels. That is why God gave Him a name that is more important than the name of all the angels.
The Son of God is more important than the angels
5The Son of God is more important than the angels. God has said these words only to his Son. He never said them to one of the angels. He said:
‘You are my Son.
Today I became your Father.’
‘I will be like a Father to Him,
and He will be like a Son to Me.’
6God also talked about his Son, who is more important than everyone, when He brought Him back into heaven again. God said:
‘All the angels of God must worship Him.’
7When God talks about the angels, He says:
‘God sends his angels
as He sends the winds,
and the lightning works for Him.’
8But God says about his Son:
‘You, O God, will always be King.
You are fair when You rule people.
9You loved what is right
and You hated what is wrong.
That is why God,
your God, has anointed You
and has given You more joy
than He has the other kings.’
10And God also said:
‘You, O Lord,
made the earth stand strong in the beginning.
You made heaven with your hands.
11Heaven and earth will disappear
but You will always be there.
They will become like old clothes,
12and You will roll them up
like people do with clothes,
like someone who takes off his old clothes
and puts on new clothes.
But You will always stay the same.
You live forever.’
13God has never said these words to one of the angels. He said:
‘Sit down here next to Me
at the most important place.
I will make your enemies
bow before You
and You will put your feet on them.’
14No, God did not say this to the angels because they are spirits who work for God. He sends them to help people because God wants to save those people.