Bible Society of South Africa


The Nile is one of the longest rivers in the world. This river originates as the “Blue Nile” in Lake Tana in Ethiopia and as the “White Nile” in Lake Victoria. These two rivers then flow to the north and merge at Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. After that the Nile flows further to the north through Egypt, emptying into the Mediterranean Sea.

The Gift of the Nile

Funda kabanzi?

Ngeyamahhala i-akhawunti yeBibleSA, unga:

  • Funda ezinye izihumusho kuzo zonke izilimi ezisemthethweni.
  • Lalela iBhayibheli (11 izihumusho esezivele zitholakala).
  • Qhathanisa izihumusho zeBhayibheli ezahlukene.
  • Yenza kube ngokwakho ngokufaka amanothi akho nezigqamiso. Uzokwazi futhi ukubona amanothi akho nezigqamiso ngokwehlukana.
  • Finyelela kwezingaphezu kwe-1100+ izihloko nezindatshana eziyisendlalelo ngesiNgisi nangesiBhunu nakwangama-52 amabalazwe anemibala ephelele.

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