Bible Society of South Africa

Goats and Sheep

The landscape and climate of Israel were eminently suitable for goat herding. Goats mainly eat leaves and foliage and can therefore survive in dry and desert-like areas where there is not much grass. They are also very good at navigating rocky terrain.

Keeping sheep was less simple. Sheep are more particular than goats and primarily eat grass. Sheep also prefer to graze in flat valleys rather than wandering around rocky areas. This is why it was often more difficult for shepherds to find a suitable place for their flock.

Funda kabanzi?

Ngeyamahhala i-akhawunti yeBibleSA, unga:

  • Funda ezinye izihumusho kuzo zonke izilimi ezisemthethweni.
  • Lalela iBhayibheli (11 izihumusho esezivele zitholakala).
  • Qhathanisa izihumusho zeBhayibheli ezahlukene.
  • Yenza kube ngokwakho ngokufaka amanothi akho nezigqamiso. Uzokwazi futhi ukubona amanothi akho nezigqamiso ngokwehlukana.
  • Finyelela kwezingaphezu kwe-1100+ izihloko nezindatshana eziyisendlalelo ngesiNgisi nangesiBhunu nakwangama-52 amabalazwe anemibala ephelele.

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