Bible Society of South Africa

The Southern Kingdom of Judah

The Southern Kingdom of Judah is the name for the region ruled over by the descendants of the kings, David and Solomon, from around 926 BC. Its capital city was Jerusalem. There were often tensions between the Southern Kingdom of Judah and the Northern Kingdom of Israel. In 586 BC, the Southern Kingdom collapsed. The Babylonians took over the capital, Jerusalem, and destroyed the Temple.

The Emergence of the Southern Kingdom

Funda kabanzi?

Ngeyamahhala i-akhawunti yeBibleSA, unga:

  • Funda ezinye izihumusho kuzo zonke izilimi ezisemthethweni.
  • Lalela iBhayibheli (11 izihumusho esezivele zitholakala).
  • Qhathanisa izihumusho zeBhayibheli ezahlukene.
  • Yenza kube ngokwakho ngokufaka amanothi akho nezigqamiso. Uzokwazi futhi ukubona amanothi akho nezigqamiso ngokwehlukana.
  • Finyelela kwezingaphezu kwe-1100+ izihloko nezindatshana eziyisendlalelo ngesiNgisi nangesiBhunu nakwangama-52 amabalazwe anemibala ephelele.

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