Bible Society of South Africa

Apocalyptic Literature: Revelation

The book of Revelation has been written for the Christians in the Roman province of Asia in modern day Turkey. The book opposes the power of Rome, in particular the Roman emperor cult.
Rome and the cult of the Emperor are portrayed as beasts with a terribly powerful bad influence (see Revelation 13), that they have been given by the devil (see Revelation 12). The beasts use their power against Christians.
The background is the persecution of Christians during the reign of a Roman Emperor, probably Domitian or Trajan (between AD 90 and 120).

Encouraging message

Amavesi eBhayibheli ahlobene

IsAmbulo 12 IsAmbulo 13

Funda kabanzi?

Ngeyamahhala i-akhawunti yeBibleSA, unga:

  • Funda ezinye izihumusho kuzo zonke izilimi ezisemthethweni.
  • Lalela iBhayibheli (11 izihumusho esezivele zitholakala).
  • Qhathanisa izihumusho zeBhayibheli ezahlukene.
  • Yenza kube ngokwakho ngokufaka amanothi akho nezigqamiso. Uzokwazi futhi ukubona amanothi akho nezigqamiso ngokwehlukana.
  • Finyelela kwezingaphezu kwe-1100+ izihloko nezindatshana eziyisendlalelo ngesiNgisi nangesiBhunu nakwangama-52 amabalazwe anemibala ephelele.

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