Bible Society of South Africa
Carina Francke

Your 24/7 Companion – Day 11

In Him, Out of You … Fruit

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

1 kuThimothewu 4

UPawulu ululeka uThimothewu abe yisibonelo, athembeke enkonzweni

12Makungabikho muntu odelela ubusha bakho, kepha yiba yisibonelo kwabakholwayo ngezwi, nangenkambo, nangothando, nangokukholwa, nangokuhlanzeka.

1 kuThimothewu 4:12ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

1 kuThimothewu 4

16Ziqaphele wena kanye nesifundiso, ume kulezo zinto; ngokuba ngokwenza lokho uyakuzisindisa wena nabakuzwayo.

1 kuThimothewu 4:16ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

Ihubo 19

14Amazwi omlomo wami nokuzindla kwenhliziyo yami

makuthandeke ebusweni bakho, Jehova,

dwala lami nomhlengi wami.

Ihubo 19:14ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

Kwabase-Efesu 4

29Makungaphumi emlonyeni wenu nalinye izwi elibolileyo, kodwa kube ngelilungele ukwakha njengokuswelekileyo, ukuze libavezele umusa abezwayo.

Kwabase-Efesu 4:29ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

KwabaseGalathiya 5

16Kepha ngithi: Hambani ngoMoya, khona aniyikufeza izinkanuko zenyama. 17Ngokuba inyama ikhanuka okuphambene noMoya, kepha uMoya ukhanuka okuphambene nenyama; ngokuba lezi zinto ziyamelana, ukuze ningenzi lokho enikuthandayo. 18Kepha uma niholwa nguMoya, aniphansi komthetho.

19Kepha imisebenzi yenyama isobala, engukuthi: ubufebe, nokungcola, namanyala, 20nokukhonza izithombe, nokuthakatha, nobutha, nokulwa, nomona, nokuthukuthela, nokubanga, nokwalana, nokwahlukana, 21nomhawu, nokudakwa, nokuxokozela, nokunjalo engandulela ukunitshela ngakho, njengokuba senganitshela ukuthi abenza okunje abayikulidla ifa lombuso kaNkulunkulu.

22Kepha izithelo zikaMoya ziluthando, nokujabula, nokuthula, nokubekezela, nobubele, nobuvi, nokukholeka,

KwabaseGalathiya 5:16-22ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

To bear fruit, implies that you as a believer will glorify him in whom you believe and who lives in you, with your lifestyle. To say it differently, his presence in you ought to be the driving force to be an example to others in your life.

1 Timothy 4:12 mentions a few things that your life should radiate: “… be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Firstly, the believer’s words should be acceptable to him (Psalm 19:14) and when we talk to people, our conversations should be of good taste. Furthermore, it should be helpful, build them up according to their needs and impart grace to them. Unwholesome talk does not fit this picture (Ephesians 4:29).

The Holy Spirit in us cultivates fruit that is expressed in our conduct or our way of living. Galatians 5:16-22 gives a very clear picture on what conduct should characterise a believer’s life, so that God will be honoured. If you and I recognise some of these listed things in our lives, we must realise that we’re not living from the Spirit in us (our 24/7 Companion), but that our conduct is being determined by the lust of our flesh. Only when the Holy Spirit determines our conduct, purity can become a reality – that quality described as pure from defilement, not contaminated.

The love and faith we should radiate as an example to people can be described as that all-encompassing love for and faith in him that oozes from us, and becomes visible to people around us.

The author also gives a warning to Timothy (and us), “take heed to yourself and to the doctrine.” Every now and again, we should put our lives and doctrine under a magnifying glass to see if we are still sound and on track. Why? “… for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.” (1 Timothy 4:16)

It is possible to live a life that honours God, but only in total dependence on the One who lives inside of us.

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