Bible Society of South Africa

With Jesus on the throne - 19 June 2023

By Ben Fourie

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

IsAmbulo 3

12Onqobayo ngiyakumenza abe yinsika ethempelini likaNkulunkulu wami, futhi akasoze aphuma khona; ngiyakuloba negama likaNkulunkulu wami phezu akhe, negama lomuzi kaNkulunkulu wami, iJerusalema elisha elehla ezulwini kuNkulunkulu wami, negama lami elisha.

IsAmbulo 3:12ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

IsAmbulo 3

21“Onqobayo ngiyakumnika ukuba ahlale nami esihlalweni sami sobukhosi, njengalokho nami nganqoba, ngahlala noBaba esihlalweni sakhe sobukhosi.

IsAmbulo 3:21ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

Today, we come to the end of our discussions about the seven churches. Tomorrow, we will start with some of the other visions and promises. The last two letters, those to Philadelphia and Laodicea, have some of the best promises that Jesus could possibly make to his church and her members.

Philadelphia was a small city and the church was also quite small, but they are one of the two churches where Jesus found nothing wrong. He opened a door for them and although they have only a little power, probably because of their small size, they remained faithful to Jesus. According to our verse for today, it is to this small congregation, with little power, that Jesus gave a big promise.

The idea of a pillar as a sign of strength is found more than once in the Bible. In Galatians 2:9, James, Peter and John are called leaders or, according to the original Greek language, pillars of the church. In 1 Timothy 3:15, the church is called the “pillar and support of the truth”. To the small congregation, with only limited power, Jesus promised that they will become pillars in the temple of God. Pillars are an important part of buildings to help carry the whole structure. Every church and member, no matter how small, you and I as well, are very important pillars in God’s house on earth, his church.

Laodicea, the lukewarm church – is it possible that they could also receive a promise? They can and have. Jesus summoned them to repent and turn from their sins. If they do this, he promised them the right to sit on the throne with him. Lukewarm believers can become children of the King and rule with Jesus. Nobody ever falls so low that Jesus cannot raise them up and give them a very special place with him on his throne.

The seven letters to the churches are really full of Jesus’ promises to us. It now depends on us to make the promises come true in our own lives.

Prayer: Jesus Lord, please help me to be eager in my quest to make these promises true for me. Amen

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