Bible Society of South Africa

Twenty-two people in the Bible who had to be more patient than you: Moses - 16 August 2023

By Xanthe Hancox

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

U-Eksodusi 33

UMose ucela ukubona inkazimulo kaJehova

12UMose wathi kuJehova: “Bheka, uthi kimi: ‘Khuphula laba bantu,’ kepha awungazisanga yena oyakumthuma nami. Nokho ushilo ukuthi: ‘Ngiyakwazi ngegama, ufumene umusa emehlweni ami.’ 13Ngalokho uma ngifumene umusa emehlweni akho, ake ungibonise izindlela zakho ukuba ngikwazi, ukuze ngifumane umusa emehlweni akho, ubhekisise ukuthi lesi sizwe singabantu bakho.”

U-Eksodusi 33:12-13ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

Yesterday we learnt from Jocabed, Moses’s mother, and today we learn from Moses himself. His journey was marked by leaving the luxuries of Pharaoh’s palace to lead the Israelite slaves to freedom and the promised land. After receiving God’s call at the burning bush, Moses obediently left his life of comfort and privilege in Egypt to stand with the oppressed Israelites. He confronted Pharaoh, witnessed the awe-inspiring power of God’s plagues, and led the Israelites through the parted waters of the Red Sea.

However, even after these miraculous events, Moses’ journey was far from over. The Israelites’ forty-year trek through the wilderness became a test of his patience and faith. Amidst their grumbling, scheming, and constant questioning of his authority, Moses remained steadfast in his reliance on God. Time and again, the Israelites doubted God’s provision and mercy, longing for their old life in Egypt instead of trusting in God’s promise of a better future.

Through it all, Moses exhibited extraordinary patience as he followed the instructions of the Lord, seeking his wisdom and guidance. In moments of frustration, he turned to God in prayer, as we see in today’s verse.

Here, Moses pleads with God to reveal his ways and make his presence known, acknowledging the immense responsibility of leading the Israelites. He recognises that only by understanding God’s character could he continue to lead the people effectively.

Moses’ patient journey teaches us valuable lessons about perseverance, humility, and surrendering to God’s timing. He endured four decades of challenges, yet he never lost sight of God’s faithfulness and the ultimate promise of reaching the promised land.

Like Moses, may we find strength in prayer and find favour in God’s eyes.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the enduring example of Moses’ patient journey. Teach us your ways so that we may know you more deeply and find favour in your sight. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

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