Bible Society of South Africa

A time for everything - 1 August 2024

By Xanthe Hancox

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

UmShumayeli 3

Konke kunesikhathi sakho

1Konke kunesikhathi sakho,

yonke indaba inomzuzu wayo phansi kwezulu.

2Kukhona isikhathi sokuzalwa

nesikhathi sokufa,

isikhathi sokutshala

nesikhathi sokusiphula okutshaliweyo;

3isikhathi sokubulala

nesikhathi sokuphilisa,

isikhathi sokudiliza

nesikhathi sokwakha;

4isikhathi sokukhala

nesikhathi sokuhleka,

isikhathi sokulila

nesikhathi sokusina;

UmShumayeli 3:1-4ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

As all of us know all too well, life is made up of many different seasons, each with its unique challenges and joys. Solomon, in his wisdom, reminds us in this beautifully poetic passage of Scripture that there is a divine timing for everything. Understanding and accepting this can bring a profound sense of peace. Whether we are in a season of joy or sorrow, growth or pruning, each moment has its purpose under heaven.

God orchestrates the rhythm of our lives, and he is present in every season. While some seasons bring comfort and joy, others may be marked by pain and uncertainty. Trusting in God’s timing allows us to embrace each phase with faith, knowing that he is working all things for our good (Romans 8:28).

Consider the season you are currently in. Are you in a time of planting and new beginnings, or perhaps in a period of waiting and harvesting? Reflect on how God is moving in your life right now and how you can align your actions with his divine timing.

If you are experiencing a difficult season, take heart in knowing that it will not last forever. Use this time to draw closer to God, seeking his guidance and comfort. Conversely, if you are in a season of abundance and joy, give thanks and look for ways to bless others.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the seasons of life and the assurance that each has a purpose under your divine plan. Help me to trust in your timing, embracing the joys and challenges with faith and gratitude. Teach me to seek your will in every moment, knowing that you are with me through every season. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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