New beginnings – Day 10

New beginnings … with supernatural faith in God
Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli
U-Isaya 49
UJeremiya 32
NgokukaMathewu 19
[Background: I would like to share two readers’ experiences that testify that nothing is impossible for God.]
Reader 1, Marinda: “Years ago I worked for a company that sold tiles. At the time, one of our customers bought tiles for his 100 m2 house. He also ordered an extra 40 m2 of tiles for collection at a later stage. I placed his order into the system.
The client returned four weeks later, but his tiles were gone. Our manager, without my knowledge, cancelled the order and sold the tiles to someone else. The customer was furious. All the rooms in his house were connected and he, therefore, could not use any other tiles to complete his home. He gave us two weeks to get the tiles to prevent legal action from his side.
We phoned every supplier in South Africa and overseas, but they did not have any stock. In desperation, I knelt before God. I trusted Him completely for a breakthrough.
A week later, a supplier phoned us unexpectedly and told us of a builder who returned 50 m2 of the particular tiles that we were looking for, as a client had changed his mind and decided on using a different tile. God supernaturally intervened for us. All honour to Him!”
Reader 2, Amanda: “I have a beautiful Scottish terrier puppy, Vicky. Since I live on my own, my dogs are like children to me. When I got home one afternoon and Vicky was not with my German shepherd to greet me at the gate, I suspected something might be wrong. I immediately started to look for her. One of my neighbours said he saw her five minutes prior, chasing a cyclist down the street.
Through my tears, I prayed as I walked through the neighbourhood streets, asking everyone if they had seen her. Vicky was gone. That night, before I went to bed, I read God’s words in Isaiah 49:23: “Those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”
The next morning, at work, I ran into a colleague who asked me earlier that week where I got my Scottish terrier from, as her friends wanted to buy one too. I told her that Vicky was gone. My colleague looked surprised as she mentioned that she had visited that friend of hers the previous night and they told her of a Scottish terrier that was running in the streets earlier that day. We immediately called and found out that someone two houses from them was keeping the dog, in my neighbourhood! We jumped into the car and drove to that address, where we found Vicky alive and healthy! I praise God for His guidance!”
In Jeremiah 32:27 God says, “I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” And in Matthew 19:26 we read: “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
What feels like a mountain blocking your way? Will you ask God to give you a breakthrough? Remember, those who trust Him are never disappointed. God bless!