Bible Society of South Africa
Benescke Janse van Rensburg

Live Happy … Today – Day 14

Live happy ... without worry

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

1 kaPetru 5

7niphonse izinkathazo zenu zonke phezu kwakhe, ngokuba uyanikhathalela.

1 kaPetru 5:7ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

Ihubo 23

4Noma ngihamba esigodini sethunzi lokufa,

angesabi okubi, ngokuba wena unami,

intonga yakho nodondolo lwakho ziyangiduduza.

Ihubo 23:4ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

NgokukaMathewu 6

31Ngakho-ke ningakhathazeki nithi: ‘Siyakudlani?’ noma: ‘Siyakuphuzani?’ noma: ‘Siyakwembathani na?’ 32Ngokuba konke lokhu abezizwe bayakufunisisa; ingani uYihlo wasezulwini uyazi ukuthi niyakudinga konke lokhu. 33Kodwa funani kuqala umbuso kaNkulunkulu nokulunga kwakhe, khona konke lokhu kuyakwenezelwa nina.

NgokukaMathewu 6:31-33ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

KwabaseFilipi 4

6Ningakhathazeki ngalutho, kepha kukho konke izicelo zenu mazaziwe nguNkulunkulu ngokukhuleka nokunxusa kanye nokubonga. 7Ukuthula kukaNkulunkulu okudlula ukuqonda konke kuyakulondoloza izinhliziyo zenu nemicabango yenu kuKristu Jesu.

KwabaseFilipi 4:6-7ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

A coat comes in handy during winter, since it keeps the cold out. Yet, do you realise that, daily, we have a choice between two coats we wear into the day. One coat is heavy, dark and woolly. The other one is light and stylish. The word of God calls these coats one of worry or one of praise.

When you do not invite the Holy Spirit, early morning, into your life and choose to have a positive attitude during the day, the enemy chooses the heavy, dark and woolly coat on your behalf. This coat causes us to see (and focus on) the negative aspects around us – the rising unemployment rate, the high electricity prices, the crisis at home/work or the high crime rate. These things hang on your shoulders much like the ugly, heavy, dark and woolly coat. It causes anxiety, depression and fear to overwhelm us and steal our joy.

The alternative is to invite the Holy Spirit, early in the morning, into our lives and to ask him to help us to look at life’s challenges with a positive attitude. In this instance, we will still be aware of the challenges, but even more so of the greatness and power of the God we serve. He already has the answers to every crisis and he can work everything to the good of those who love Him.

Which coat are you wearing today? If concern currently dominates your life, go back to the word of God and memorise these scriptures.

Why don’t you cast your worries unto God? He will guide you through the darkest season of your life. Put your faith in him for every need you might have today and instead of worrying, pray and thank God for the breakthrough he plans for your future. Do it and you might just, one day, experience the heavy, dark, furry coat falling onto the ground while you walk into the future with your light, stylish coat! God bless.

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