Bible Society of South Africa
Neville Turley

Gems from the Psalms – Day 15

Count the days

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

Ihubo 16

9Ngakho-ke inhliziyo yami iyajabula,

nomphefumulo wami uyethaba,

nenyama yami iyakuhlala ngokwethemba.

10Ngokuba awuyikunikela umphefumulo wami endaweni yabafileyo;

awuyikuvuma ukuba ongcwele wakho abone ukubola.

Ihubo 16:9-10ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

NgokukaLuka 24

44Wayesethi kubo: “Yiwo lawo mazwi ami engawakhuluma kini ngisenani okuthi: ‘Kumelwe ukugcwaliseka konke okulotshwe ngami emthethweni kaMose, nakubaprofethi nasemaHutsheni.’ ”

NgokukaLuka 24:44ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

NgokukaLuka 24

46Wathi kubo: “Kulotshiwe kanje ukuthi uzakuhlupheka uKristu, avuke kwabafileyo ngosuku lwesithathu, 47kushunyayelwe egameni lakhe ukuphenduka, kube ngukuthethelelwa kwezono ezizweni zonke, kuqalwe eJerusalema.

NgokukaLuka 24:46-47ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

Many people seize the Easter long weekend as an opportunity to enjoy a mini-vacation or to visit relatives and friends in distant towns.

Thousands take to the roads to reach their destinations in the limited time available. If previous years are anything to go by, the traffic is always heavy. Accidents occur and the carnage on our roads increases.

Thousands, too, will pack churches as regular and casual churchgoers gather to worship during the most holy week in the Christian calendar.

Good Friday is when we think about the death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. We think of the physical suffering, the agony and humiliation of the most righteous man who ever lived. What love he has for us. He, who had no sin, took our sin on himself so that our redemption could be ensured.

There on that first Easter Sunday, our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the grave. His bodily resurrection is the cornerstone on which our faith is founded. Because of him, we too can pass from death to life and rise again in resurrected bodies on the last day.

Before he ascended into heaven, the resurrected Lord Jesus had a special message for his disciples: “… Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms. … This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, …” (Luke 24:44,46-47)

God loves us so much, it does not matter who or what we are or how messed up our lives may be. God wants to, and will, give us a new start if we turn to him for forgiveness and strength. Bear that thought in mind during the coming week.

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