Bible Society of South Africa
Hennie Symington

A journey of the soul – Day 1

Travelling to kingdom come

Um(Imi)bhalo weBhayibheli

2 kwabaseKorinte 4

16Ngakho asidangali, kodwa noma kubhubha umuntu wethu wangaphandle, owangaphakathi wenziwa musha imihla ngemihla. 17Ngokuba usizi lwethu olululana olungolomzuzwana luyasisebenzela isilinganiso esikhulu kakhulu senkazimulo emiyo phakade, 18thina esingabheki okubonwayo kodwa okungabonwayo; ngokuba okubonwayo kungokwesikhashana, kepha okungabonwayo kungokwaphakade.

2 kwabaseKorinte 4:16-18ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

U-Eksodusi 33

14Wayesethi: “Ngiyakuhamba mina uqobo, ngikuphumuze, na?”

U-Eksodusi 33:14ZUL59NOVula kumfundi weBhayibheli

Today, you are invited to go on a journey without setting foot out of your home. It is a journey of the soul to take stock of your spiritual landscape. However, you do not have to journey on your own. In the Old Testament, we read that God travelled with his people. Jesus talks about the kingdom of God, which is among us, while Paul often speaks of the community of believers who support us. Therefore, we can travel on a soul journey and rediscover our faith, in the steps of those who went before us.

How? Get rid of distractions. Ignore the junk mail, the catalogues, the newspaper articles and, if you are up to it, the television too.

Rediscover the joy of faith. What makes you happy about your faith? What do think would please God about you? Try to recapture your first love of God. Rediscover the working of the Holy Spirit in your soul. Paul says, somewhere, “do not extinguish the Spirit”.

Do not be apologetic about your faith. If someone asks you what is important to you in life, just say unashamedly, “my faith in Jesus Christ”.

The most wonderful part of such an inner journey, is the discovery that even if your body ages, your soul can constantly be renewed.

Bon voyage!

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