Bible Society of South Africa


Amen is a Hebrew word that means “verily” or ‘”truly”, and derives from the verb amen, which means “to have faith” and “to be reliable”. The word amen is used in the Bible as an exclamation: after a prayer, oath or praise, the people listening say “amen” out loud to affirm that they are in agreement.

Amen as Response to an Order

Funda okunye?

Nge-akhawunti yeBibleSA yamahala, unakho uku:

  • Funda ezinye inguqulelo kuzo zonke iilwimi ezisemthethweni.
  • Mamela iBhayibhile (iinguqulelo ezili-11 sele zifumaneka).
  • Thelekisa iinguqulelo zeBhayibhile ezahlukileyo.
  • Yenza amava akho ngokubandakanya awakho amanqaku kunye namagqabantshintshi.
  • Fikelela ngaphezulu kwezihloko ezingama-1100+ kwanamanqaku emvelaphi ngesiNgesi nesiBhulu neemephu zemibala-bala ezingama-52.

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