Bible Society of South Africa

Greek Coinage

Besides the talent and the drachma, there were more Greek coins. These were the mina (or mna), stater, obol, chalkos and lepton. They are not often mentioned by name in Bible translations, because their exact value is not so important in the text.






 6 000 drachmae (60 mina)

 Mina (mna)


 100 drachmae (25 shekel)



 4 drachmae (1 shekel)



 2 drachmae



 1/4 shekel



 1/6 drachma



 1/48 drachma



 1/128 drachma 

hand-swipe-horizontalSwayipha ukuze ubone yonke idatha

Funda okunye?

Nge-akhawunti yeBibleSA yamahala, unakho uku:

  • Funda ezinye inguqulelo kuzo zonke iilwimi ezisemthethweni.
  • Mamela iBhayibhile (iinguqulelo ezili-11 sele zifumaneka).
  • Thelekisa iinguqulelo zeBhayibhile ezahlukileyo.
  • Yenza amava akho ngokubandakanya awakho amanqaku kunye namagqabantshintshi.
  • Fikelela ngaphezulu kwezihloko ezingama-1100+ kwanamanqaku emvelaphi ngesiNgesi nesiBhulu neemephu zemibala-bala ezingama-52.

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