Bible Society of South Africa

The Bible in English

English KJV 1611

The King James Version (KJV), a formal translation where each word of the source text was translated into the target language, was first published in 1611. This translation is traditionally loved and accepted by all Christians. Despite the many modern translations that are available, the KJV is still read by a large number of people throughout the world.

English GNT 1976

Funda okunye?

Nge-akhawunti yeBibleSA yamahala, unakho uku:

  • Funda ezinye inguqulelo kuzo zonke iilwimi ezisemthethweni.
  • Mamela iBhayibhile (iinguqulelo ezili-11 sele zifumaneka).
  • Thelekisa iinguqulelo zeBhayibhile ezahlukileyo.
  • Yenza amava akho ngokubandakanya awakho amanqaku kunye namagqabantshintshi.
  • Fikelela ngaphezulu kwezihloko ezingama-1100+ kwanamanqaku emvelaphi ngesiNgesi nesiBhulu neemephu zemibala-bala ezingama-52.

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