Bible Society of South Africa

Start the day satisfied – 5 June 2020

By Xanthe Hancox

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


14Sithululele izibele zakho kwangentseni,

size sonwabe, simemelele yonke imihla yobomi bethu.

IINDUMISO 90:14XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

Our final verse of our journey through the Psalms contains glorious truths that enable us to take stock of our day before it even begins. While the others might spend the entire day searching for satisfaction, God satisfies his children at the start of their day.

That first word, satisfy, might be the most important word in this verse. At the start, the psalmist asks God to satisfy him, giving us both an example and permission to ask God to make us happy. We’re not meant to achieve satisfaction on our own. In every circumstance, this psalm calls us to turn to the Lord and ask him to satisfy us.

And having received satisfaction from God in the morning, we’re free each day to glorify God.

While the world uses work to chase satisfaction through personal accomplishments, we’re free to glorify God with our work and provide for our families. While the world uses recreation to chase satisfaction through the pursuit of pleasure, we’re free to find joy whatever our circumstances. And where the world uses people to chase satisfaction through their approval, we’re free to glorify God by loving people — genuinely interacting and caring for them without a selfish agenda.

God’s love helps us receive and interpret our circumstances instead of having our hearts controlled by them. Rather than looking at our schedules and hoping for a good day, or creating a plan to make a good day, we look to the satisfying love of God that he generously offers each morning.

And because we belong to him, today is already a very good day.

Prayer: Thank you, Father, that I don’t need to wait until an evening of anxious evaluation to determine whether today was a good day. Thank you that you love me with a steadfast love. Amen

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