Bible Society of South Africa
Ds Hein Barnard

Forgiveness – Day 3

We read yesterday that God instructed Moses to cut out 2 flat stones and go up to Mount Sinai. God revealed Himself as the merciful God, willing to forgive people, but not to forget them.

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


8UMosis wasuka wee guqaqa wakhahlela; 9wambongoza wathi: “Ukuba ngenene ukholisekile ndim, Mhlekazi, sikhaphe. Nakuba siluhlanga oluneenkani nje, buxolele ubugwenxa nesono sethu, samkele sibe lilifa lakho.”

10UNdikhoyo wathi kuMosis: “Ngoku ke ndenza umnqophiso nani. Ndiya kwenza imimangaliso engazange yenziwe ehlabathini liphela, ngokunjalo nakwizizwe zalo. Kaloku mna Ndikhoyo ndiza kwenza into erhwaqelisayo phakathi kwenu. 11Yithobeleni imithetho endininika yona namhlanje. Xa ningenayo ndiya kuwagxotha ama-Amori, amaKanana, amaHiti, amaPerezi, amaHivi, namaJebhusi. 12Ningakhe nilinge nenze izivumelwano naba bantu ningena emhlabeni wabo, kuba ngokwenjenjalo ningazifaka esigwini. 13Ndaweni yaloo nto wadilizeni amaqonga abo amadini, niyifohloze imifanekiso yabo; ke sona *isithixo sabo uAshera ze nisityoboze.

14“Ningaze ninqule thixo wumbi, kuba mna Ndikhoyo ndinguSobukhwele; ndinguThixo onekhwele. 15Sanukwenza zivumelwano nabantu belo lizwe; kuba hleze bathi, xa benqula besenzela izithixo zabo amadini amanyumnyezi, banimeme nani, nilukuhleke, nitye loo madini azo. 16Nani ningasuka nibathathele oonyana benu abafazi kwezo ntombi zabo, zithi ke ngaloo ndlela zibahende banqule izithixo.

17“Ningaze niziqingqele izithixo.

EYEMFUDUKO 34:8-17XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

Moses pleads on behalf of the Israelites

Moses humbled himself and asked two things of the Lord.  He asked that God go with him from Sinai to the Promised Land, and he asked for forgiveness for what the Israelites did (worshipping the golden calf).

God responded by making a covenant with the Israelites and with it certain prohibitions, namely destroying idol altars, pillars and poles, never bowing down before any god and not allowing their children to marry anyone who is not part of the people of God. These prohibitions were part of normal covenants.  God initiated the covenant.

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