Bible Society of South Africa
Ds Hein Barnard

Forgiveness – Day 20

The result of focussing on the important things that God wants us to focus on, is that we can live a new life (1-4). Verses 5-11 deal with what the old life was, where Paul made it clear that this is not how God wants us to live.

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


12Ningabantu bakaThixo abanyuliweyo abathandiweyo nina, abakhe ngenkqu. Ngoko ke nxibani ezifanele abakhe: inceba, ububele, ukuthobeka, ubulali, nomonde. 13Nyamezelanani, nixolelane. Ukuba omnye ukhalazela omnye xolelanani kwanjengokuba nayo iNkosi yanixolelayo.

14Ngaphezu kwazo zonke ezi zinto yongezani uthando, lona lubopha izinto zonke zibe yimbumba egqibeleleyo. 15Uxolo eniluphiwa nguKrestu malube lulo olugweba iintliziyo zenu, kuba uThixo wanibizela kolu xolo ukuze nibe ngamalungu omzimba omnye. Phuphumani ke ngumbulelo. 16Maluhlale ngokupheleleyo ezintliziyweni zenu udaba lukaKrestu. Fundisanani, niyalane ngobulali. Culani iindumiso, nihlabele amaculo, nivuma iingoma zoMoya, nibulela uThixo ngentliziyo. 17Nantoni na ke eniyenzayo, nokuba niyathetha, nokuba niyenza, yenzeleni egameni leNkosi uYesu, nibulela uThixo uYise ngayo.

KWABASEKOLOSE 3:12-17XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

Forgiveness in the Pauline Epistles – 2

Paul started in verse 12 with how the new life in Christ would look like.  This matches the new identity and the new relationship we are part of – children of God.  Part of our new identity is our forgiving spirit.  Christ set the example on the cross (Luke 23:34) and taught us in the Lord’s Prayer to indefinitely forgive, as we have been indefinitely, perfectly forgiven.  We are mindful of how often we sinned and received forgiveness.  Therefore, we do it with love, experiencing the peace of Christ with gratefulness.

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