Bible Society of South Africa
Ds Hein Barnard

Forgiveness – Day 15

The Lord’s Prayer can be a very convenient prayer to pray, but we often forget that verse 12 requires a particularly important act from the person who prays this prayer.

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


Malunga nokuthandaza

5“Xa uthandazayo, uze ungabi njengabahanahanisi, bona bathand' ukuthandaza bemi *ezindlwini zesikhungo nasezikoneni zezitalato, ngenjongo yokuba babonwe ngabantu. Inene, sebewufumene umvuzo wabo. 6Ke wena, xa uthandazayo, ngena egumbini lakho, uluvale ucango, uthandaze kuYihlo ongabonwayo. Ke uYihlo, yena obona okwenzeka emfihlekweni, wokuvuza.

7“Ngoko ke, xa nithandazayo, ze ningenzi milembelele ingento, njengabangakholwayo, bona baba boviwa ngenxa yamazwi abo amaninzi. 8Ze ningafani nabo, kuba uYihlo uyakwazi enikusweleyo ningekaceli. 9Thandazani ke ngoko nina nithi:

“ ‘Bawo wethu osezulwini:

Malaziwe lihlonelwe igama lakho,

10malongame ulawulo lwakho,

makwenziwe ukuthanda kwakho, emhlabeni njengasezulwini.

11Sibonelele kwiintswelo zethu zemihla ngemihla;

12usixolele amatyala ethu,

njengokuba nathi sibaxolela abasonayo;

13ungasiyekeli ekulingweni,

koko sihlangule kumtyholi;

[kuba ngenene nguwe olawulayo,

namandla ngawakho, nodumo, kude kube ngunaphakade! Amen.]’

14“Kaloku xa nibaxolela abantu izigqitho zabo, uYihlo osezulwini wonixolela nani. 15Xa ningabaxoleli abantu izigqitho zabo, noYihlo akayi kunixolela iziphoso zenu.”

UMATEWU 6:5-15XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

Forgiveness in the Gospels – 2

When we take verse 12 as it stands, we ask God to forgive us in the same way as we forgive others who have wronged us.  The explanation of verse 12 can be read in verses 14-15.  When we do not forgive others, we think that we are not sinners and have no need for forgiveness. 

It is imperative that we forgive others, as God has graciously forgiven us for every sin that we have committed.  A spirit of unforgiveness should never be present in the life of a believer or the church.

Forgiveness is the process of the restoration of a broken relationship with God, and with our neighbours and with ourselves.

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