Bible Society of South Africa

The Beginning – Day 17

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


3Kusukela empuma kude kuye entshonalanga

uNdikhoyo makabe ngokhahlelwayo.

4UNdikhoyo ungaphaya, uzivelele zonk' izizwe;

isihomo sakhe siwakrobel' amazulu.

5Yaz'ba singamfanisa nabani n' uNdikhoyo uThixo wethu,

umahlal' emalandalahla kweliphezulu?

6Ngumagob' umnqonqo alengetyeke,

eqwalasel' amazulu nehlabathi.

7Amahlwempu uyawaphakamisa, awavuthulul' uthuli;

ewe, nabagqub' eluthuthwini uyabaphakamisa.

8Batsho bangqendeve ndawonye namatshawe;

ewe, babe matwa namatshawe abantu bakhe.

9Nomfazi ongaphathiyo umzimasa ngomzi,

atsho abe ngunobantwana onemincili.


Bayethe, Mhlekazi!

IINDUMISO 113:3-9XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

We begin the year declaring the truth that God created the heavens and earth and proclaiming that the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.

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