Bible Society of South Africa

God’s Dwelling Place – Day 175

Meditations on the founding and growth of the church: the body of Christ, holding out the truth of the gospel, spreading throughout the whole world, frequently oppressed and suffering, but sure in the hope of a new heavens and earth.

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


16Abayi kulamba, abayi kunxanwa, abayi kugqatswa lilanga, bengayi kuva bushushu. 17Kaloku iXhwane elimi esazulwini sebhotwe liza kubalúsa, libaqhubele kwimithombo yamanzi aphilisayo. Wobasul' iinyembezi uThixo.

ISITYHILELO 7:16-17XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile
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