Bible Society of South Africa

A Triumphant King – Day 107

A series of readings on the Easter story, exploring the reality and wonder of Jesus' death and resurrection.

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


1Ke abantu bophendula bathi:

“Ngubani ongékholiwe ludaba esiluvileyo?

Ngubani ongéwuqondile umnwe kaNdikhoyo?

2Kaloku isicaka sikhule njengesithole kwelibharhileyo,

suke asabi namfaneleko nabunganga,

saba ngasijonga asabi namtsalane.

3Abantu basidelile basibukula,

saba ngumntu wenkxwaleko nentlungu.

Saba njengalowo ufulathelwayo, engasiwa so;

saba ngulowo udeliweyo, nathi asasikhathalela.

UISAYA 53:1-3XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile
Bible Society of South Africav.4.29.1