Bible Society of South Africa
Hennie Symington

A journey of the soul – Day 8

When the Infinite touches the finite

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


33UYesu ke wasishenxisa esihlweleni sasodwa, wafaka iminwe ezindlebeni zaso, wathi etshicile, wachukumisa ulwimi lwaso, 34wakhangela ezulwini, wancwina wathi kuso: “Efata;” (oko kukuthi: “Vuleka”).

UMARKO 7:33-34XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

Everything that happens in life is a reminder that we do not hold absolute sway over our own destinies, but were made to be in a relationship with God.

How is it possible, some will ask, for finite beings such as ourselves to have a real relationship with the infinite God? The answer is, God assumed human form in Jesus Christ. The moment the Word became flesh, the divide between the finite and infinite became infinitesimal. By taking on human form, Jesus was able to stand next to us, experience life in all its pain and joy, and ultimately die for the redemption of all humanity.

Christ’s legacy is his continued presence in our lives. The memory of God’s humanity sustains us and enables us to enter into a relationship with the infinite God and creator of the universe. At the same time, he leaves us with touching reminders of his presence. Jesus taught us to forgive; showed us how to love; how to reach out to the marginalised; to walk the second mile; to take the pain for others; to empathise; to look upon others with kindness and to reach beyond our human limitations to help others; to overcome social and class barriers; and most of all, to love.

In a moving demonstration of Jesus’ ability to overstep the line between the sacred and the profane, breaking the taboos that separate people, he performs a series of remarkably intimate actions when healing a Deaf-mute:

So Jesus took him off alone, away from the crowd, put his fingers in the man’s ears, spat, and touched the man’s tongue. Then Jesus looked up to heaven, gave a deep groan, and said to the man, “Ephphatha,” which means, “Open up!” Mark 7:33-34

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