*Psalms 70
Lord, please come quickly and help me
(Also in Psalm 40:14-17)
Tell the leader of the choir that this is a Psalm of David to help people remember.
1O God, please come quickly
and save me.
Lord, please hurry and help me.
2There are people
who want me to die.
Please let them be ashamed
and humiliate them.
3There are people who mock me.
Please let them stop and run away.
4But let everyone who worships You
rejoice and be happy.
The people who are thankful
because You have saved them
must always say: ‘God is great.’
5And I? I am poor and
I can not help myself.
O God, please come quickly.
Only You can help me and set me free.
Lord, please do not wait.
English Bible for the Deaf © Bible Society of South Africa 2019. Used with permission. All rights reserved.