Thank God of heaven
1You must thank the Lord
because He is good,
and his love for us will never end.
2Thank the God who is above all gods.
His love for us will never end.
3You must thank the Lord of lords.
His love for us will never end.
4Only He can do great miracles,
and his love for us will never end.
5He made the heaven with his wisdom,
and his love for us will never end.
6He made the earth on the water,
and his love for us will never end.
7He made the great lights in the sky,
and his love for us will never end.
8He made the sun to rule over the day,
and his love for us will never end.
9Then He made the moon
and the stars to rule at night.
His love for us will never end.
10He who caused all firstborn sons
in Egypt to die,
his love for us will never end.
11Then He saved the Israelites
from the Egyptians.
His love for us will never end.
12He led his people out of Egypt
with his great power.
His love for us will never end.
13You must thank Him.
He divided the Red Sea in 2.
His love for us will never end.
14He led the Israelites
and they walked through the sea.
His love for us will never end.
15He punished Pharaoh
and his soldiers and
threw them into the sea.
His love for us will never end.
16He led his people through the desert.
His love for us will never end.
17You must thank Him.
He defeated important kings.
His love for us will never end.
18He killed strong kings
who had a lot of soldiers.
His love for us will never end.
19He defeated Sihon, king of the Amorites.
His love for us will never end.
20He defeated Og, king of Bashan.
His love for us will never end.
21Then He gave his land to the Israelites.
His love for us will never end.
22He gave it as a gift to his servant, Israel.
His love for us will never end.
23You must thank Him.
He remembered us
when we suffered and had trouble.
His love for us will never end.
24He saved us from our enemies.
His love for us will never end.
25He is the One who gives food
to everything that lives.
His love for us will never end.
26You must thank the God of heaven.
His love for us will never end.