1Jesus talked to his disciples and the people and He said: ‘I tell you this and it is sure: Some people who are standing here now will see that God is King. They will see it before they die.’
God says Jesus is his Son
(Also in Matthew 17:1-8; Luke 9:28-36)
2After 6 days Jesus told Peter, James and John to go with Him to a high mountain. There were no other people with them. The 3 disciples looked at Jesus and then He started to change and He looked different. 3His clothes were bright and very white. No one on earth could make them so white. 4Elijah and Moses appeared to them and they talked to Jesus. 5Peter said to Jesus: ‘Teacher, it is good that we are here. Can we make 3 shelters, one for You, one for Moses and one for Elijah?’
6Peter did not know what to say because he and the other 2 disciples were afraid. 7There was a cloud that came over them and they heard God speaking from the cloud. He said: ‘This is my Son. I love Him. You must do what He says.’ 8When the 3 disciples looked again, they saw only Jesus, and no one else. 9Jesus and his disciples came down from the mountain and Jesus told them not to tell anyone what they had seen. They could tell other people after Jesus, the Son of man, had risen and started to live again. 10The disciples obeyed Jesus but they talked to each other and they thought about what it meant to ‘rise and to live again.’
Jesus says Elijah has already come
11The disciples asked Jesus: ‘Why do the teachers_of_the_Laws say that Elijah must come before the Messiah will come?’ 12Jesus told them: ‘Elijah must first come to prepare everything for the Messiah. But why did the prophets write that I, the Son of man, would suffer and that the people would do bad things to Me? 13I tell you: Elijah has already come and the people did all the bad things to him that they wanted to do. It happened just like the prophets wrote.’
Jesus heals a boy who has an evil_spirit in him
(Also in Matthew 17:14-21; Luke 9:37-43)
14Then Jesus and the 3 disciples went back to the other disciples. They saw a big crowd of people around the other disciples. The teachers_of_the_Laws were arguing with the disciples. 15When the people saw Jesus, they were surprised. They ran to Him and they greeted Him. 16Jesus asked the teachers_of_the_Laws: ‘Why are you arguing with my disciples?’
17One person in the crowd answered and said: ‘Teacher, I brought my son to You because there is an evil_spirit in him and now he can not talk. He is mute. 18When the evil_spirit comes into the boy, it makes him fall onto the ground. Then there is foam that comes out of his mouth, he bites on his teeth and his body becomes stiff. I have asked your disciples to chase_out_the_evil_spirit but they can not do it.’ 19Jesus said to them: ‘You do not believe Me. How long must I stay with you? How long do I have to be patient with you? Bring the boy to Me.’
20They brought the boy to Jesus. When the evil_spirit saw Jesus, he immediately made the boy fall onto the ground. His body started to shake all over. He started to roll on the ground and foam came out of his mouth. 21Jesus asked the boy's father: ‘How long has he been like this?’ The father said: ‘It started when he was a baby. 22Often the evil_spirit made him fall into a fire or in the water. The evil_spirit wants to kill him. Please feel sorry for him and help us if You can.’ 23Jesus asked the father: ‘Why do you say: “If you can?” If a person believes, then God can do anything for him.’ 24Immediately the boy's father said loudly: ‘Please help me to believe in You.’
25When Jesus saw that more and more people were coming to them, He rebuked the evil_spirit and said to him: ‘You are a spirit that makes people deaf and mute. I command you: Go out of the boy and never come back.’ 26The evil_spirit shouted_loudly and he made the boy shake and kick. Then the spirit went out of the boy. It looked as if the boy had died and the people said he was dead. 27Jesus took the boy's hand and He helped him to stand up. 28Jesus went home and when his disciples were alone with Him, they asked Him: ‘Why could we not chase_out_that_evil_spirit?’ 29Jesus answered them: ‘You can only chase_out_these_evil_spirits when you pray to God.’
Jesus says the 2nd time that He will die and live again
(Also in Matthew 17:22-23; Luke 9:44-45)
30Jesus and his disciples went away from there to the province of Galilee. Jesus did not want the people to know where they were 31because He was teaching his disciples. He said: ‘I am the Son of man and God will give Me to the people so that they can kill Me. But after 3 days I will rise and live again.’
32The disciples did not understand what Jesus said and they were afraid to ask Him what his words meant.
Who is the most important?
(Also in Matthew 18:1-5; Luke 9:46-48)
33Jesus and his disciples went into the town of Capernaum. When Jesus came into the house, He asked his disciples: ‘What did you talk about on your way here? Why did you argue?’ 34They did not answer Jesus, because while they walked, they were arguing about who was the most important. 35Then Jesus sat down. He called his 12 disciples and He told them: ‘If someone wants to be the most important, then he must be like a slave and serve everyone.’
36Jesus asked a child to stand in front of them and He took the child in his arms and He said to his disciples: 37‘If someone welcomes one of my children, he welcomes Me. And if you welcome Me, then you welcome my Father who sent Me.’
If someone is not against Jesus, then he is helping Him
38John said to Jesus: ‘Teacher, we saw someone using your name to chase_demons out of people. We tried to stop him because he does not follow You with us.’ 39But Jesus said: ‘You should not stop him. If someone uses my name to do a miracle, then he will not change soon and say bad things about Me. 40If he is not against us, then he helps us. 41If anyone gives you a cup of water because you belong to Christ, then God will bless him. This is sure.’
Things that make people stop believing
(Also in Matthew 18:6-9; Luke 17:1-4)
42Jesus said:
‘If anyone does something so that one of these little ones who believes in Me stops believing, then God will punish that person. It would be better for that person if they took a very big stone and tied it around his neck and threw him into the sea. 43If your hand makes you sin, cut it off. It is better to have one hand and have eternal_life than to have 2 hands and go to hell. There the fire keeps on burning. It never stops.
44-45And if your foot makes you sin, cut it off. It is better to have no feet and have eternal_life than to have 2 feet and go to hell. 46-47If it is your eye that makes you sin, take it out and throw it away. It is better to have one eye and have the life that comes from God, the King, than to have 2 eyes and go to hell. 48In hell the worms never die and the fire will always burn. It will never stop. 49When we suffer, it is like we are burning in a fire but the suffering is important and necessary. It must test us. It is important, just as salt is necessary for food.
50Salt is important for food, but if the salt no longer tastes like salt, then you can not make it salty again. You must be like good salt in food. You must live in peace with each other.’