Married people who divorce
(Also in Matthew 5:31-32; 19:3-12; Luke 16:18)
1Jesus went away from the town of Capernaum and He went over the Jordan River and came into the province of Judea. A big crowd of people came together around Jesus and He started to teach them as He always did. 2Some Pharisees came to Him. They wanted to test Jesus and trap Him. They asked Him: ‘Is it right for a man to divorce his wife?’ 3Jesus asked them: ‘What did Moses teach you in his laws?’
4They said: ‘Moses said a man can write a letter to his wife that says the man and the woman are now divorced. Then he can send his wife away.’ 5Jesus said to them: ‘Moses said this because you are so stubborn. That is why Moses gave you this law. 6But when God made the earth, He made a man and a woman.
7“That is why a man leaves
his father and his mother,
8and he stays with his wife,
and the 2 will be as one person.”
9And if God has tied 2 people together, then no person may separate them.’
10Later, when they were back in the house, the disciples asked Jesus what He meant. 11Jesus said to them: ‘If a man divorces his wife and he marries another woman, then he is guilty of adultery against his wife. 12And if a woman divorces her husband and she marries another man, then she is guilty of adultery.’
Jesus blesses the children
(Also in Matthew 19:13-15; Luke 18:15-17)
13The people brought their children to Jesus so that He could put his hands on them and bless them, but his disciples rebuked them and said they must go away. 14When Jesus heard this, He was angry and He told his disciples: ‘Let the children come to Me and do not stop them, because God is King over people like them. 15I tell you this and it is sure: You must be like these children. If you do not believe like these children believe, then you will not be able to go in where God is King.’ 16Then Jesus took the children in his arms and He put his hands on them and blessed them.
The rich young man
(Also in Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 18:18-30)
17Jesus was walking when someone ran to Him. He knelt before Jesus and he said: ‘You are a good Teacher. Please tell me what I must do to get eternal_life.’ 18Jesus asked him: ‘Why do you say I am good? Only God is good, no one else. 19You know what God said in the laws. He said:
“You may not kill someone,
you may not have sex with a person
if you are not married to that person,
you may not steal,
you may not tell lies about other people,
you may not cheat and steal,
and you must love and obey your father and your mother.” ’
20The man said to Jesus: ‘Teacher, I have done everything that God's laws say, from the time that I was a little boy.’ 21Jesus looked at him for a long time and He started to love him like a father loves his son, and He said to him: ‘You must do one more thing. Go and sell everything you have and give the money to poor people. Then you will be rich in heaven. Then come with Me.’
22The man was very sad when he heard what Jesus said. He went away because he was very rich. 23Jesus looked at the people around Him and He said to his disciples: ‘Rich people will not easily go in where God is King.’
24The disciples were amazed when they heard what Jesus said. But Jesus also said: ‘My friends, it is very hard to get in where God is King. It is not easy. 25It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get in where God is King.’
26The disciples were surprised and they said to each other: ‘If that is so, then who can go in where God is King? No one can.’ 27Jesus looked at them for a long time and He said: ‘People can not come to God with their own power. It is impossible for them, but God can do it. God can do anything that He wants to do.’
28Peter said to Jesus: ‘Look at us. We gave everything away to follow You.’ 29Jesus said: ‘I tell you this and it is sure: If someone leaves his home or his brothers or his sisters or his mother or his father or his children or his field for Me and the Good_News, then he will get much more. 30He will get 100 times more than he has now, more houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and farms. People will do bad things to him and he will suffer, but he will have eternal_life in the time that comes. 31Many people who are important now will not be important, and people who are unimportant now will be important.’
Jesus says the 3rd time that He will die and live again
(Also in Matthew 20:17-19; Luke 18:31-34)
32Jesus and his disciples were on their way to the city of Jerusalem. Jesus walked in front of them. The disciples were amazed and the other people who followed Jesus were afraid. Jesus talked to the 12 disciples again. He told them about all the things that would happen to Him. 33He said: ‘Listen, we are going to Jerusalem now. The people will give Me, the Son of man, to the chief_priests and to the teachers_of_the_Laws. They will judge Me and decide that I must die and they will give Me to the Gentiles. 34The Gentiles will mock Me and spit on Me and beat Me with a whip and kill Me. But after 3 days I will rise and live again.’
James and John want to sit next to Jesus
(Also in Matthew 20:20-28; Luke 22:24-30)
35James and John, sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus and they said to Him: ‘Teacher, we want to ask You something. Can You please do it for us?’ 36Jesus asked them: ‘What do you want Me to do for you?’ 37They said to Him: ‘You will be King over everyone. May we please sit next to You, one on your right hand side and one on your left hand side?’
38Jesus said to them: ‘You do not know what you ask. Can you suffer like I have to suffer? Can you drink the cup_of_suffering that I must drink? Can you be baptised in the way that I will be baptised?’ 39They answered and said to Jesus: ‘Yes, we can do that.’ Then Jesus said to them: ‘Yes, you will drink the cup that I must drink and you will be baptised in the way that I will be baptised. 40But I can not decide who will sit on my right hand side and on my left hand side. God has already decided who will sit there.’
41When the other 10 disciples heard what James and John had asked Jesus, they were angry with James and John. 42Jesus called his disciples to Him and He said: ‘You know that there are people who think they can rule over other people. They think they are important_leaders and they love to use their power over the people and they oppress them. 43You must not do the same. If one of you wants to be important, then he must serve the other people. 44And if you want to be first, then you must be everyone's slave. 45I am the Son of man, but I did not come to earth so that people must serve Me. No, I came to serve them. I have come to serve people and to give my life to let many people go free from their sins.’
Jesus heals the blind Bartimaeus
(Also in Matthew 9:27-31; 20:29-34; Luke 18:35-43)
46Jesus and his disciples went to the city of Jericho. There were a lot of other people with them and when they wanted to go out of Jericho, they saw Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sitting next to the road. Bartimaeus was blind and he was a beggar. 47When they told him Jesus of Nazareth was there, he started to shout and said: ‘Jesus, Son of David, please feel sorry for me and help me.’
48Many people rebuked him and told him to stop shouting, but he shouted again and again and said: ‘Son of David, please feel sorry for me and help me.’
49Jesus stopped and He said: ‘Call him.’ They called the blind man and said to him: ‘Don't worry. Stand up. Jesus is calling you.’
50The blind man took off his cloak and he threw it onto the ground. He jumped up and he went to Jesus. 51Jesus asked him: ‘What do you want Me to do for you?’ The blind man said: ‘Lord, I want to see again.’ 52Jesus said to him: ‘You may go. You can now see because you believed in Me.’ The man could see immediately and he followed Jesus on the road.