Job answers Bildad
1Job spoke again. He said to Bildad:
2‘You have not helped me at all.
You think that you have saved me
because I am weak,
but you have not.
3You think that you have given me
wisdom and told me what to do.
4Who told you what you must say to me?
Who gave you those words?’
Bildad says no one can understand God
5‘The dead people tremble under the water,
those under the waters
and all who live in the water.
6God sees everyone in the underworld,
and no one can hide from Him.
7God put up the northern sky
like a tent where there was nothing,
and He hooked the earth onto nothing.
8God makes the clouds full of rain water
but the clouds do not break
because of all the water in them.
9God hides his throne in heaven
behind the clouds.
10He has put the horizon where the light stops
and the darkness begins, around the sea.
11When God becomes angry
and speaks through thunder,
the pillars of the expanse tremble.
12God is strong, and He calms the sea.
God has all the wisdom.
He destroyed Rahab, the sea monster.
13God makes the wind blow to clean the air.
His strong hand killed the snake
when it wanted to flee.
14And these are only a few
of the things that God has done.
He has done a lot more
but we know very little of what He has done.
No one can understand God
or know how great his power is.’