I am sure that the Lord will help me
This is a Psalm of David.
1Lord, I pray to You, and only to You.
You are my Rock. Please listen to me
and don't keep quiet.
If You don't answer me, I will die.
2Please listen when I cry
and ask You for help,
when I put out my hands
to your most_holy room.
3Please don't take me away
with the sinful people who do wrong.
They tell people that they pray
and ask God to give them peace,
but in their hearts, they curse them.
4Lord, punish them for
all the bad things that they have done.
Make them suffer for the wrong they have done.
5They don't think about
the things that God does,
or about all the things that He has made.
He will defeat them and cause them to die,
so they will no longer live.
6I praise the Lord,
because He heard when I prayed
and asked Him to help me.
7It is the Lord who
makes me strong and protects me.
I am sure that He will help me.
He will help me and I will be happy and thankful.
I will sing and praise Him.
8The Lord makes his people strong,
and He protects his anointed one
and saves him.
9Lord, please save your people
and be good to the people
who belong to You.
Be their Shepherd
and take care of them forever.