People will be rewarded for good things
1Someone who loves to learn
when people teach him
accepts it when they tell him
how to live or when he is wrong.
Only fools do not accept it.
2The Lord is pleased with good people,
but He punishes people
who have plans to do wrong.
3Bad people will not live safely,
but people who live in the right way
will be strong like a tree with deep roots.
4People respect a man
who has a good wife,
but if a man is ashamed of his wife,
it is like a disease in his body.
5People who live in the right way
think about things that are good and fair,
but the plans of those who do wrong
deceive people.
6Sinful people always talk
about killing someone,
but the words of good people
try to save them.
7Sinful people will be destroyed
and they will be gone,
but the descendants of good people
will always be there.
8People praise someone who talks wisely,
but they hate someone who says foolish things.
9It is better if you are not important
and you have a servant,
than if you are important
but you have no food to eat.
10Righteous people take care of their animals,
but sinful people are cruel,
and they have no mercy.
11Someone who works in his field
will have enough food to eat,
but a person who only dreams
of things he would like to do
is not wise.
12Sinful people want to have
the things that thieves have stolen,
but good people want to give
what they have to other people.
13The sinful things that a bad man says
will catch him like a trap,
but people who live in the right way
are free from trouble and danger.
14People will be rewarded
for the good things they say
and for the hard work
that they do with their hands.
Wise and foolish people
15Fools think they can do what they want,
and they think they are always right,
but wise people listen
when someone tells them what to do.
16Fools immediately show
when they are angry,
but wise people do not show how they feel
when someone says bad things to them.
17Someone who talks the truth
is an honest witness,
but a dishonest witness tells lies.
18When you talk before you think
about what you want to say,
you can hurt other people,
but the words of a wise person
make other people feel better.
19Words that are true will always stay true,
but people will find out very soon
if someone tells lies.
20People who want to do something bad
always think of telling lies,
but people who want to do something good
are always happy.
21Nothing bad happens to people who live in the right way,
but sinful people always have trouble.
22The Lord hates someone who tells lies,
but He is pleased with faithful people.
23A wise person does not always
tell people what he knows,
but a fool shouts and tells everyone
how little he knows.
24People who work hard
will rule other people,
but lazy people will become slaves.
25A person who is worried
feels tired and unhappy,
but words that encourage him
make him feel better.
26A righteous person helps his friend
to go the right way,
but people who do wrong
go the wrong way and get lost.
27A lazy man will get no meat to eat,
but a man who works hard will
get precious things and become rich.
28If you are righteous you will have life.
If you live in the right way, you will live forever.