When truth and sincerity fall by the wayside – 24 March 2020

By Hennie Symington
Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele
Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the ‘new self’ which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.
Colossians 3:9-10
Truth and honesty have indeed become scarce commodities in the daily traffic amongst people. When presidents and politicians, public figures and other so called community leaders glibly lie and cheat, then it becomes clear that to them, honesty is not the best policy.
Telling lies is not an art, yet some of us have perfected the art of lying. It’s no lie that lying is an easy habit to adopt, but a very difficult habit to break. Of course we all tell lies to justify our actions or attitudes. The problem is, the more you lie, the easier it becomes.
Why are lies so dangerous?
Lies are dangerous because they create a distance between you and the ones you love. But more than that, it separates you from the Creator. Be honest with yourself. If you do not like the image of yourself you see in the mirror, change it or make peace with it.
Prayer: Lord, help me to recover my sense of truth and honesty so that I can stand before you with a pure heart and clean conscience. Amen