Bible Society of South Africa

Jesus – Day 4

Jesus: The Light of the World.

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


21Motsheare Morena o ne a ba eteletse pele ka leru le lopaletseng, ho ba bontsha tsela; bosiu ka kganare ya mollo, ho ba bonesetsa, hore ba tsebe ho tsamaya bosiu le motsheare.

PHALLO 13:21SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


Jesu ke lesedi la lefatshe

12Jesu a boela a bua le bona, a re: “Ke nna lesedi la lefatshe; ya ntatelang ha a ka ke a tsamaya lefifing, empa o tla ba le lesedi la bophelo.”

JOHANNE 8:12SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


3Modimo a re: “Lesedi le be teng!” Yaba lesedi le ba teng.

TSHIMOLOHO 1:3SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

Pesalema 104

2o ipopile ka lesedi

jwalokaha eka ke kobo.

O adile mahodimo

jwaloka lesela la tente,

Pesalema 104:2SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


Modimo ke lesedi

5Molaetsa oo le ileng la o utlwa ho Mora wa hae, oo re le bolellang wona, ke ona: Modimo ke lesedi, mme ho yena lefifi ha le yo ho hang.

1 JOHANNE 1:5SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


27Ho tloha lethekeng la hae ho ya hodimo ka bona ho kang lethose le hlenneng, le hara mollo; ho tloha thekeng ho ya tlase, motho eo a ka mollo, kganya e phatsimang e mo etseditse serakwe.

ESEKIELE 1:27SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


16yena a inotshi ya sa shweng, ya ahileng leseding le ke keng la atamelwa, eo ho seng motho ya kileng a mmona, kapa ya ka mmonang. Hlompho le matla a sa feleng e ke e be tsa hae. A ho be jwalo!

1 TIMOTHEA 6:16SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


Kahlolo ya ba sa dumeleng

44Jwale Jesu a phahamisa lentswe, a re: “Ya dumelang ho nna ha a dumele ho nna, empa o dumela ho ya nthomileng, 45mme ya mponang o bona ya nthomileng. 46Nna ke tlile lefatsheng ke le lesedi, hore mang le mang ya dumelang ho nna a se ke a ba lefifing.

JOHANNE 12:44-46SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

In comparing the two Scriptures above, we see that each one relates to God providing guidance for His people. The difference between them is that the Exodus verse, from the Old Testament, shows God providing light literally, the visible symbol of His Presence for the Israelites to follow as they leave Egypt on their way to the Promised Land, whereas the verse from John in the New Testament shows Jesus promising to provide light figuratively. What does Jesus mean when He speaks of His followers having “the light of life”?

Except for sleep at night, life is usually lived in the light, and light is usually preferred to darkness. Even simple things are difficult in the dark. How would you feel walking down a flight of stairs, attending a play, unlocking your door, or having your surgeon performing an operation on you in the dark? And what could you grow without the sun? Absence of light, in many cases, spells disaster. Children (and some adults) are often afraid of the dark and prefer to go to sleep with the light on. Others feel upset when there is a power failure. The truth of the matter is that people thrive in light and need it for life. In Genesis, the first thing that God created, after the earth, was light (Genesis 1:3) as the main life source.

Light symbolises so much more than just relief from darkness, though. It stands for righteousness, wisdom and sight. We read in Psalm 19: “The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” When we live in obedience, we radiate the light of goodness, understanding and wisdom and reflect God’s glory.

God radiates light because of His perfect goodness, omniscience, holiness and glory and is seen as being “wrapped in light” (Psalm 104:2). In Him “is no darkness at all”. (1 John 1:5) In Ezekiel’s vision God appears in dazzling light and is shining intensely: “I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him.” (Ezekiel 1:27) Paul speaks to Timothy of God … who alone is immortal and lives in unapproachable light …” (1 Timothy 6:16). But “(When) Jesus cried “out, ‘When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. I have come into the world as a light so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” (John 12:44-46) He is saying that He is the way to knowing God. He is speaking of bringing the light of spiritual knowledge and understanding to the believer, which brings life.

And you? Do you have the light of life that Jesus brings? Or do you still live in the darkness?

Bible Society of South Africav.4.26.9