Bible Society of South Africa

Grow a Spiritual Garden – Day 10

Keep your hand on the plough.

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


5Baapostola ba re ho Morena: “Re ekeletse tumelo.”

6Morena a re: “Hojane le na le tumelo e kaalo ka tlhaku ya mosetareta, le ne le ka re ho sefate sena sa monokotshwai: ‘Iphothole, o itlhome lewatleng,’ mme se ne se ka le mamela.

LUKA 17:5-6SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


61E mong hape a re: “Ke tla o latela, Morena; feela ako ntumelle ke yo dumedisa ba lelapa la ka pele.”

62Jesu a re ho yena: “Ya beang letsoho mohomeng, empa a hetla tse kamorao, ha a lokele Mmuso wa Modimo.”

LUKA 9:61-62SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele


Mehlala ya tumelo

1Tumelo ke ho tshepa dintho tse ntseng di lebeletswe, ke ho kgodiseha ka tse esong ho bonwe. 2Ke ka baka la yona baholoholo ba rona ba ileng ba pakwa.

3Ka tumelo re utlwisisa hore lefatshe lohle le bopilwe ka lentswe la Modimo, mme tse bonwang di tswa ho tse sa bonweng.

4Ka tumelo Abele o ile a nyehella Modimo ka sehlabelo se setle ho feta sa Kaine. Ke ka yona a pakilweng hore o lokile, kaha Modimo a ananetse dimpho tsa hae, mme ka yona Abele o ntse a bua, leha a shwele.

5Ka tumelo Henoke o ile a nkelwa lehodimong, a sa ka a shwa. Ha a a ka a hlola a fumanwa, hobane Modimo a ne a mo nke. Efela, pele a nkwa, o ne a pakilwe hore o kgahlisitse Modimo. 6Jwale kantle ho tumelo ha ho kamoo motho a ka kgahlisang Modimo kateng. Ya atamelang pela Modimo eka kgona a dumele hore Modimo o teng, le hore ke yena ya putsang ba mmatlang.

7Ka tumelo eitse hoba Modimo a mo tsebise tse esong ho bonwe, Nowe a ba hlokolosi, mme a haha areka, hore a tle a pholoswe le ba lelapa la hae. Ka ho dumela ha hae o ile a ahlola lefatshe, a ba a ja lefa la ho loka ho fumanwang ka tumelo.

8Ka tumelo Aborahama o ile a mamela ha Modimo a mmitsa, mme a fallela naheng e tlang ho ba lefa la hae; a tloha a sa tsebe moo a yang teng. 9Ka tumelo ya eba mojaki naheng eo a e tshepisitsweng. A phela ditenteng le Isaka le Jakobo, bao e bileng majalefa a tshepiso e le nngwe hammoho le yena. 10O ne a ntse a lebeletse motse o nang le motheo o tiileng, e leng motse o rerilweng, mme wa hahwa ke Modimo ka sebele.

11Ka tumelo le yena Sara, eo e neng e le nyopa, o ile a fuwa matla a ho ba le ngwana, leha a ne a se a tsofetse haholo, hobane o ile a tshepa botshepehi ba ya mo tshepisitseng. 12Ka baka lena monna a le mong, eo e neng e se e le mobu, o ile a tswala ditloholo tse ngata jwaloka dinaledi tsa lehodimo, le jwaloka lehlabathe le lebopong la lewatle, le ke keng la balwa.

13Batho bao kaofela ba ile ba shwela tumelong, ba eso amohele tseo ba neng ba di tshepisitswe, empa ba di bonetse hole feela, ba di thabetse, mme ba ipoletse hore ke baeti le bajaki lefatsheng lena. 14Ba buang jwalo ba bontsha ka mokgwa o totobetseng hore ba batla naha eo e leng ya habo bona. 15Hoja ba ne ba sa ntse ba hopola naha eo ba neng ba etswa ho yona, ba ka be ba fumane sebaka sa ho kgutlela ho yona. 16Empa jwale ba labalabela e nngwe, e lehodimong, e fetang eo ka molemo. Ka baka leo, Modimo ha a dihlong ho bitswa Modimo wa bona, hobane o ba lokiseditse motse.

17Ka tumelo mohla Aborahama a lekwang, o ile a nyehela ka Isaka. A nyehela ka mora wa hae ya inotshi, leha a ne a etseditswe ditshepiso, 18mme ho itswe ho yena: “Ke ditloholo tsa Isaka tse tla bitswa bana ba hao.” 19O ne a ikgodisitse hore Modimo o na le matla, esita le a ho tsosa motho bafung. Kahoo a boela a amohela mora wa hae, jwaloka hoja a tsohile bafung.

20Ka tumelo Isaka o ile a hlohonolofaletsa Jakobo le Esau tse tlang ho ba teng.

21Ka tumelo ha Jakobo a le lekgatheng la ho shwa, o ile a hlohonolofatsa bara ba Josefa ka bonngwe, mme a kgumama, a rapela a itsheheditse ka lere la hae.

22Ka tumelo ha Josefa a le lekgatheng la ho shwa, o ile a bua ka ho tswa ha bana ba Iseraele Egepeta, a ba a fana ka ditaelo tse amanang le masapo a hae.

23Ka tumelo yare hoba Moshe a tswalwe, a patwa dikgwedi tse tharo ke batswadi ba hae. Ba mmona e le ngwana e motle, mme ha ba a ka ba tshoswa ke taelo ya kgosi.

24Ka tumelo ha Moshe a se a hodile, o ile a hana ho bitswa mora wa moradi wa Faro; 25a mpa a ikgethela ho hlekefetswa le setjhaba sa Modimo, ho ena le ho ithabisa ka sebe ka nakwana. 26A nka sekgobo sa Kreste e le leruo le fetang menono ya Baegepeta, hobane o ne a shebile moputso. 27Ka tumelo a tswa Egepeta, a sa tshoswe ke kgalefo ya kgosi; a tiisetsa jwaloka hoja a bona ya sa bonweng. 28Ka tumelo a etsa mokete wa Paseka, mme a foka menyako ka madi, e le hore Motimetsi a tle a se ke a ama matsibolo a Baiseraele.

29Ka tumelo Baiseraele ba ile ba tshela Lewatle le Lefubedu, jwaloka hoja ba tsamaya mobung o ommeng; athe Baegepeta ba ileng ba leka ho ba etsisa, le ile la ba metsa.

30Ka tumelo marako a neng a sireleditse Jeriko a ile a heleha, hoba a potapotwe ka matsatsi a supileng.

31Ka tumelo Rahaba wa seotswa ha a a ka a timela hammoho le ba sa dumelang, hobane o ne a ile a amohela dihlwela ka kgotso.

32Ke tla reng hape? Nka haellwa ke sebaka sa ho lokodisa tsa Gideone, Barake, Samosone, Jafeta, Davida, Samuele le baporofeta. 33Ka tumelo batho bao ba ile ba fenya mebuso, ba etsa tse lokileng, ba fumana tseo ba neng ba di tshepisitswe. Ba bolaya ditau, 34ba tima mollo o bohale, ba phonyoha ho bolawa ka sabole. Ba ne ba fokola, empa ba boela ba matlafala, ba fetoha dinatla ntweng, ba qhala dimphi tsa baditjhaba. 35Basadi ba boela ba kgutlisetswa bafu ba bona ba tsohileng bafung. Empa ba bang, e le hore ba tle ba tsohele bophelo bo botle ka ho fetisa, ba ile ba hana ho lokollwa, ba shwela ditlhokofatsong. 36Ba bang ba ile ba feta hara ditshomo le ditjhapo, ba kenngwa ditlamong le ditjhankaneng. 37Ba tlepetswa ka majwe, ba kgaolwa mmele koto tse pedi, ba bolawa ka sabole. Ba ile ba phailaka ba apere matatana, ba futsanehile, ba hlorisitswe, ba hlekefeditswe. 38E ne e le batho bao lefatshe le sa ba tshwaneleng. Ba ile ba lelera mafeelleng le dithabeng, mahaheng le matsabeng a lefatshe.

39Kaofela ha bona, leha ba ile ba pakwa ka baka la tumelo ya bona, ha ba a ka ba amohela seo Modimo a neng a ba tshepisitse sona. 40Kaha Modimo a ne a re reretse tse molemo ka ho fetisa, ba ne ba ke ke ba etswa ba phethehileng, rona re le siyo.

BAHEBERU 11SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

Time and again, we read how surprised Jesus was at people’s uncertainty about faith. And yet from birth God has endowed us with the gift of faith. Even children know that. For them believing is natural. The problem is that our faith has been worn away by negativity, scepticism, sarcasm and cynicism. Perhaps because we don’t always understand what faith is.

Faith is action. Faith is to do or put into action what Jesus teaches us. Many of us think we do not know enough about faith and should therefore read more about it. “Give me more faith,” we pray while we already believe. All you need to do is to activate the faith your already have in you. Visit the gallery of the heroes of our faith in the Bible – many of them outright villains and not worthy of the title. And yet they were the ones who ventured into the realm of faith. In Hebrews 11 there’s a whole gallery of these heroes of the faith displayed as examples to us.

There comes a time in the life of all those wavering on the edge to take a leap of faith. Perhaps we should stop being passive onlookers sitting in the church Sunday after Sunday waiting for something to happen. So often we are like the Israelites of old wandering in the desert rather than entering the Promised Land. Maybe it’s time to venture out of the nest to give wings to your faith. And before you know you will be soaring like an eagle above God’s heavenly landscape.

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