Bible Society of South Africa

Day 4 – God’s Covenant with Noah

God’s Covenant with Noah

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


Metsi a a bohlela

1Modimo a hopola Nowe, le diphoofolo tsohle tse hlaha, le makgomo wohle a neng a ena le yena ka arekeng. Jwale Modimo a fokisa moya hodima lefatshe, mme metsi a bohlela. 2Mehlodi ya bodiba bo boholo, le maru a kgaotsa ho tsholla metsi, pula e tswang lehodimong ya emisa. 3Butlebutle metsi a nna a monyela fatshe, mme qetellong ya matsatsi a lekgolo le mashome a mahlano, metsi a ne a se a fokotsehile. 4Ka kgwedi ya bosupa, ka letsatsi la leshome le metso e supileng la kgwedi, areka ya dula hodima dithaba tsa Ararate. 5Metsi a nna a tswela pele ho fokotseha ho fihlela ka kgwedi ya leshome; mme ka letsatsi la pele la kgwedi ya leshome ditlhoro tsa dithaba tsa hlaha.

6Hoba ho fete matsatsi a mashome a mane, Nowe a bula fesetere eo a neng a e entse arekeng. 7A ntsha lekgwaba; lona la tswa, la nna la solla, ho fihlela metsi a epsha lefatsheng. 8Jwale a ntsha leeba, ho bona hore na metsi a fokotsehile lefatsheng. 9Empa leeba la se ke la fumana moo le ka beang leoto teng, mme la kgutlela ho yena ka arekeng, hobane metsi a ne a sa tletse hohle lefatsheng. A nanabetsa letsoho la hae, a tshwara leeba, a le kgutlisetsa ho yena ka arekeng. 10A ema matsatsi a mang a supileng, a nto ntsha leeba hape ka arekeng. 11Mantsiboya la kgutlela ho yena, molomong wa lona le nkile lehlaku la mohlwaare, le neng le qeta ho rojwa. Jwale Nowe a tseba hore metsi a fokotsehile lefatsheng. 12A boela a ema matsatsi a supileng hape, a nto boela a ntsha leeba, empa la se ke la hlola le kgutlela ho yena hape.

13Ka selemo sa makgolo a tsheletseng a motso o mong, ka kgwedi ya pele, ka letsatsi la pele la kgwedi, metsi a ne a se a monyetse fatshe. Nowe a bula areka kahodimo, mme a bona hore jwale ho qomme. 14Ka kgwedi ya bobedi, ka letsatsi la mashome a mabedi a metso e supileng, lefatshe le ne le se le omme ngo!

15Yaba Modimo o re ho Nowe: 16“Wena le mosadi wa hao, le bara ba hao, le dingwetsi tsa hao, tswa ka arekeng. 17Tswa le dibopuwa tsohle tse phelang: dinonyana, le diphoofolo, le tsohle tse hahabang hodima lefatshe, di tle di tswale haholo, di ate, di ngatafale lefatsheng.”

18Jwale Nowe a tswa a ena le mosadi wa hae, le bara ba hae, le dingwetsi tsa hae. 19Diphoofolo tsohle, le makgomo wohle, le dinonyana tsohle, le tsohle tse hahabang hodima lefatshe, tsa tswa ka arekeng ka mefuta ya tsona.

20Jwale Nowe a hahela Morena aletare, mme a kgetha diphoofolong tsohle tse sa ileheng, le dinonyaneng tsohle tse sa ileheng, mme ka tsona a etsa sehlabelo sa setjheso aletareng. 21Ha Morena a utlwa monko o monate, a re ka pelong ya hae: “Ha ke sa tla hlola ke rohaka lefatshe ka baka la motho, hobane mehopolo ya pelo ya motho haesale e le mebe ho tloha botjheng ba hae. Ha ke sa tla boela ke otla dintho tsohle tse phelang, jwalokaha ke entse.

22“Ha feela lefatshe

le sa ntse le le teng,

nako ya ho jala le ya ho kotula,

mohatsela le mofuthu,

hlabula le mariha,

motsheare le bosiu,

di ke ke tsa phetsa ho ba teng.”


Melao e metjha

1Modimo a hlohonolofatsa Nowe le bara ba hae, a re ho bona: “Atang, le ngatafale, le tlale lefatshe. 2Diphoofolo tsohle tsa lefatshe, le dinonyana tsohle tse fofang, di tla le tshaba. Dihahabi tsohle tsa lefatshe, le ditlhapi tsohle tsa lewatle, di bewa matsohong a lona. 3Tsohle tse tsamayang, tse phelang, e tla ba dijo tsa lona, jwalokaha ke le neile meroho e metala. Tsena tsohle ke le nea tsona.

4“Feela le se ke la ja nama e ntseng e ena le bophelo, e leng madi. 5Madi a lona, e leng bophelo ba lona, ke tla a batla. Ke tla a batla dibataneng tsohle, le matsohong a motho. Ke tla batla bophelo ba motho matsohong a ngwanabo.

6“Mang le mang

ya tshollang madi a motho,

le yena madi a hae

a tla tshollwa ke motho,

hobane Modimo o entse motho

ka setshwano sa Modimo.

7“Jwale lona atang, le ngatafale; anafalang le tlale lefatshe.”

Selekane sa Modimo le Nowe

8Yaba Modimo o bua ho Nowe, a ena le bara ba hae, o re: 9“Bonang, nna, ke etsa selekane sa ka le lona, le ditloholo tsa lona. 10Ke se etsa le dibopuwa tsohle tse phelang, tse nang le lona: Dinonyana, makgomo, le diphoofolo tse hlaha, le tsohle tse tswileng ka arekeng. 11Ke etsa selekane sa ka le lona: Ha ho ka ke ha hlola ho timetswa batho ka morallo wa metsi. Hape ha ho ka ke ha hlola ho eba le morallo wa metsi o tla timetsa lefatshe.”

12Modimo a re: “Ke sena sesupo sa selekane seo ke se etsang le lona le tsohle tse phelang le lona, le meloko e tlang: 13Ke tla hloma mookodi wa ka marung, mme e tla ba sesupo sa selekane sa ka le lefatshe. 14Ha ke tlisa maru hodima lefatshe, mme mookodi o bonahala marung, 15ke tla hopola selekane seo ke se entseng le lona, le dibopuwa tsohle tse phelang, mme metsi a ke ke a hlola a etsa morallo o tla timetsa batho bohle. 16Mookodi o tla ba marung, mme ha ke o tadima, ke tla hopola selekane se sa feleng, se pakeng tsa Modimo le dibopuwa tsohle tse phelang, tse teng lefatsheng.”

17Modimo a re ho Nowe: “Sena ke sesupo sa selekane seo ke se entseng pakeng tsa ka le batho bohle ba teng lefatsheng.”

TSHIMOLOHO 8:1-9:17SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

PRAY before you read, asking God to help you understand.
READ the Bible passage for the day – preferably more than once.
REFLECT on the passage. Write your thoughts in a journal.
APPLY what God teaches you from His Word to your life.
PRAY again, asking God to live out His Word.

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