Bible Society of South Africa

Day 3 – The Flood

The Flood

Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele


Ho eletswa ka tsa morallo wa metsi

5Jwale Morena a bona hore bokgopo ba batho lefatsheng bo boholo haholo, le hore mehopolo ya dipelo tsa bona e tletse bobe kamehla. 6Morena a swaba ha a ile a etsa motho lefatsheng, pelo ya hae ya utlwa bohloko. 7Yaba Morena o re: “Batho bao ke ba bopileng ke tla ba fedisa lefatsheng; batho, mmoho le diphoofolo, le dihahabi, le dinonyana tse fofang, hobane ke a itshwabela ha ke ile ka ba etsa.” 8Empa Nowe yena a hauhelwa ke Morena.

9Tsena ke ditaba tsa Nowe. Nowe e ne e le motho ya lokileng, ya neng a hloka kodi hara ba mehla eo, mme metsamao ya hae ya kgahla Modimo.

10A tswala bara ba bararo: Sema, le Kama, le Jafeta.

11Mahlong a Modimo lefatshe le ne le bodile, le tletse dipolayano. 12Modimo a bona hore lefatshe le bodile, batho bohle ba itshilafaditse. 13Jwale Modimo a re ho Nowe: “Ke rerile ho fedisa tsohle tse phelang lefatsheng, hobane lefatshe le tletse dipolayano ka baka la batho; ke tla ba timetsa mmoho le lefatshe.

14“Iketsetse areka ka difate tsa phaena, o e etse dikamore, mme o e bitiele ka boka kantle le kahare. 15O tla e haha tjena: bolelele ba areka e be dimethara tse lekgolo le mashome a mararo a metso e meraro, bophara ba yona e be dimethara tse mashome a mabedi a metso e mmedi, mme bophahamo ba yona e be dimethara tse leshome le metso e meraro. 16Areka eo o e etsetse fesetere e tla kenya lesedi, mme pakeng tsa yona le marulelo e be bolelele ba disenthimethara tse mashome a mane a metso e mene; monyako wa areka o etswe lehlakoreng la yona. Ho be le dikamore tse katlase, tse hare, le tse kahodimo.

17“Ke tla tlisa morallo wa metsi ho kwahela lefatshe, ho timetsa tsohle tse phelang, tse tlasa lehodimo. Tsohle tse lefatsheng di tla timela. 18Empa wena ke tla etsa selekane le wena. O tla kena ka arekeng, wena le bara ba hao, le mosadi wa hao, le dingwetsi tsa hao. 19O tla kena ka arekeng le diphoofolo tsohle tse phelang, tse pedi mofuteng o mong le o mong, e be e tona le e tshehadi, di tle di phele mmoho le wena. 20Dinonyana ka mefuta ya tsona, le diphoofolo ka mefuta ya tsona, le dihahabi ka mefuta ya tsona, di kene le wena ka arekeng ka bobedi, di tle di phele. 21O bokelle dijo tsohle tse tla jewa, o di kenye ka arekeng, e tle e be dijo tsa hao le tsa diphoofolo.”

22Nowe a etsa jwalo; a etsa jwalokaha Modimo a ne a mo laetse.


1Morena a re ho Nowe: “Wena, le ba ntlo ya hao, kena ka arekeng, hobane ke bone hore molokong ona ke wena feela ya lokileng mahlong a ka. 2Diphoofolong tsohle tse sa ileheng, o nke tse supileng tse tona, le tse supileng tse tshehadi; ho tsohle tse ilehang o nke tse pedi, e be e tona le e tshehadi. 3Dinonyananeng tsohle tse fofang o nke tse supileng ka bobedi, e be e tona le e tshehadi, hore mofuta wa tsona o tle o bolokehe lefatsheng. 4Kamora matsatsi a supileng, ho tloha jwale, ke tla nesetsa lefatshe pula ka matsatsi a mashome a mane, le masiu a mashome a mane, mme ke tla fedisa tsohle tse phelang lefatsheng, tseo ke di entseng.”

5Nowe a etsa jwalokaha Morena a ne a mo laetse.

Morallo wa metsi

6Nowe o ne a ena le dilemo tse makgolo a tsheletseng ha morallo wa metsi o eba teng lefatsheng. 7Yare metsi a morallo a eso fihle, Nowe a kena ka arekeng a ena le bara ba hae, le mosadi wa hae, le dingwetsi tsa hae. 8Diphoofolo tse sa ileheng le tse ilehang, le dinonyana, le dihahabi tsohle, 9tsa tla ka bobedi, e le e tona le e tshehadi, tsa kena ka arekeng le Nowe, jwalokaha Morena a ne a mo laetse. 10Yare hoba matsatsi a supileng a fete, morallo wa metsi wa eba teng lefatsheng.

11Ka selemo sa makgolo a tsheletseng sa ho phela ha Nowe, ka kgwedi ya bobedi, ka letsatsi la leshome le metso e supileng, ka lona letsatsi leo mehlodi yohle ya bodiba bo boholo ya phunyeha, le maru a tsholella metsi lefatsheng. 12Ka matsatsi a mashome a mane, le masiu a mashome a mane, lefatshe la nelwa ke pula ya ditlwebelele.

13Ka lona letsatsi leo Nowe le bara ba hae, Sema le Kama le Jafeta, le mosadi wa Nowe, le dingwetsi tse tharo tsa Nowe, ba kena ka arekeng, 14mmoho le mefuta yohle ya diphoofolo, le mefuta yohle ya dihahabi, le mefuta yohle ya dinonyana. 15Dibopuwa tse phelang tsa kena ka bobedi ka arekeng ho Nowe. 16Tse ileng tsa kena e ne e le e tona, le e tshehadi, jwalokaha Modimo a ne a mo laetse. Jwale Morena a mo kwalla kahare.

17Morallo wa nna wa tswela pele lefatsheng ka matsatsi a mashome a mane. Ha metsi a ntse a eketseha a phaphamatsa areka, ya phahamela lefatshe. 18Metsi a nna a kokomoha, a eketseha haholo, mme areka ya nna ya lweba hodima metsi. 19Metsi a kokomoha haholo lefatsheng, a kwahela dithaba tsohle tse telele, tse tlasa lehodimo. 20Metsi a nna a kokomoha ho fihlela a etsa dimethara tse supileng kahodimo ho dithaba. 21Dibopuwa tsohle tse phelang lefatsheng tsa shwa: dinonyana, makgomo, diphoofolo tse hlaha, le tsohle tse tsamayang ka dikgakgatha lefatsheng, le batho bohle. 22Tsohle tse neng di phela lefatsheng moo ho ommeng, tsa shwa. 23Morena a timetsa tsohle tse phelang lefatsheng: batho le makgomo, dihahabi le dinonyana tse fofang; tsohle tsa timetswa lefatsheng. Ha sala Nowe feela le bao a neng a ena le bona ka arekeng.

24Metsi a qeta matsatsi a lekgolo le mashome a mahlano a ntse a kwahetse lefatshe.

TSHIMOLOHO 6:5-7:24SSO89SOBula ka mmadi wa Bibele

PRAY before you read, asking God to help you understand.
READ the Bible passage for the day – preferably more than once.
REFLECT on the passage. Write your thoughts in a journal.
APPLY what God teaches you from His Word to your life.
PRAY again, asking God to live out His Word.

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