Administration of Justice in the New Testament
Judea was part of the Roman Empire and so was subject to Roman jurisdiction. But there was also a Jewish, religious court which pronounced rulings on internal Jewish matters: the Sanhedrin
The two best-known people from the New Testament that had dealings with Roman laws were Jesus and Paul.
Jesus before the Judge
Diratswana tsa Bibele tse amanang
DIKETSO 18.16 - DIKETSO 18.17 DIKETSO 25.6 DIKETSO 25.10 DIKETSO 25.17 BAROMA 14.10 2 BAKORINTHE 5.10 MATHEU 27.19 JOHANNE 19.13 DIKETSO 18.12Bala ho feta?
“Ka akhaonto ya mahala, o ka: “