Zophar speaks to Job
1Zophar from the land of Naamah started to speak. He said:
2‘You have said a lot of things,
and someone must answer you.
Everyone must know that you were wrong
when you said those things.
3We can not keep quiet
if you say things like that.
You have made fun of God
and someone must show you that you are wrong.
4You say that your words are true
and that you understand everything.
You say that God knows that you are innocent.
5I wish that God would answer you.
I wish that He would speak to you
6and that He would tell you
the secrets of wisdom
because true wisdom has many secrets.
You should know that God
has not punished you for everything
that you have done wrong.
He should have punished you even more.
7Can you understand how great God is?
Can you find a place where
the Most High God does not rule?
8His power is higher than heaven
and deeper than hell,
but you can not understand
how great God is.
9His power is longer
than the earth and wider than the sea.
10If God comes here
and puts someone in jail,
who will be able to stop Him?
If He takes you to court,
who will be able to fight against Him? No one.
11God knows who the bad
and hypocritical people are,
and He knows when someone is wrong.
12A fool can not become wise
and the baby of a wild donkey
can not become a human when he is born.
13Job, you must give your heart to God.
Put out your hands to Him and pray.
14If you stop doing things
that are wrong and take out everything
that is sinful from your home,
15then you will be innocent
and you will not have to be ashamed.
You will be strong and you
will not be afraid of anything.
16You will forget that you have suffered,
and you will think that your suffering
was like water that has flowed away.
17The light will shine in your life again
and everything that was dark
will change into light.
18There will be hope for you again.
You will look around and see
no trouble, and you will sleep peacefully.
19You will lie down and you
will not be afraid of anyone.
People will want to be your friends.
20But people who do wrong
will look around for help,
but they will find no way to escape.
Their only hope will be to die.’