*Psalms 98
You must rejoice and sing to the Lord
This is a Psalm.
1You must sing a new song to the Lord
because He has done
wonderful things and miracles.
He is strong and He defeated everyone.
He did not need anyone to help Him.
2The Lord showed that He is strong
and He defeated his enemies.
All the nations saw how righteous He is.
3He did not forget his love
that never changes and
He was faithful to the people of Israel.
People all over the world saw
how God saved us.
4All the people on earth
must rejoice and sing to the Lord.
They must sing and play music
to praise Him.
5Sing to the Lord with lyres.
Play music with lyres
and other musical_instruments,
6with trumpets and horns.
Rejoice to the King. He is the Lord.
7Let the sea and everything in it roar,
and let the world and all who live on it sing to Him.
8Let the rivers clap their hands
and let all the hills sing together
9for the Lord,
because He will come to judge the people of the earth.
He will judge them fairly
because He is righteous.
ltpgtEnglish Bible for the Deaf © Bible Society of South Africa 2019. Used with permission. All rights reserved.lt/pgt