Bible Society of South Africa

Lord: Kurios

The Greek word kurios means “lord”. This title is used for God in the New Testament, but is also a title for earthly lords and rulers. Kurios is also one of the main titles that Jesus is given in the New Testament.

“Lord” as Title for God

In the Septuagint, kurios is used to represent YHWH, which occurs more than 6 000 times in the Old Testament. It is also one of the representations of the Hebrew term Adonai.
It is unknown from what time the name of God, YHWH, was replaced by kurios in the Septuagint. In some fragments of the Septuagint, from the time before Christ, the name of God is still written in Hebrew writing.
In the New Testament the word kurios is also used for God, for example to represent the name of God in quotes from the Old Testament, in line with the Septuagint.

“Lord” as an Ordinary Title

The word kurios is also used in the New Testament in an everyday context, for example:

Lord Jesus

Jesus is addressed with kurios, just like other men in the New Testament, comparable to the word “sir”. But kurios can also be used as a title for Jesus. There are different explanations for the use of the word kurios as a title:

  • The word could indicate that Jesus belongs entirely to God, for example in Philippians 2:6-11, in which the name of God is very important (verse 9). But the Aramaic cry maranatha (“Our Lord, come!”, in 1 Corinthians 16:22) is indicative of this as well, as Jesus is called “Lord”, which is a name for God, and the cry shows a belief in Jesus’ return.
  • Kurios could also express that Jesus is Lord, and not the Roman emperor or heathen gods, who are also called kurioi (plural) (see for example 1 Corinthians 8:5).

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