Bible Society of South Africa


The purpose of a helmet was to protect a soldier’s head during battle. Sometimes flaps were attached to the helmet to protect the ears and the neck. Many ordinary Israelite soldiers did not wear a helmet, but just tied a scarf around their heads.

Material of the Helmet

The helmets of the Israelites and the neighbouring nations were usually made of leather. Metal helmets were rare, usually imported from other countries. The Sumerians, Assyrians, Greeks and Romans did have metal helmets.

According to the description in 1 Samuel 17:5, the Philistine, Goliath has a bronze helmet.

Different Shapes

In depictions from Egypt and Assyria, for instance, different nations can be recognised by the shape of their helmets. The Sea Peoples, to whom the Philistines probably belonged, were recognisable by their helmets with feathers. The Assyrians had helmets with distinctive sharp spikes.

The Helmet as a Metaphor

The helmet is also used in the Bible as a metaphor, for example for salvation and redemption. Isaiah 59:17 says, “He will wear justice like a coat of armour and saving power like a helmet”. In Wisdom 5:18 it is said of God that “genuine justice will be his helmet”.

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