Bible Society of South Africa


The chariot was an open wagon with two wheels at the back and a platform that three soldiers could stand on. One drove the wagon, one had a bow and arrow or a spear with which to attack the enemy, and the third protected the other two with a shield.

The chariot was primarily used during battles in the open, but it could also be used during a siege.


The chariot consisted of a wooden frame, over which strips of leather were stretched. In Joshua and Judges, iron chariots are mentioned. This probably refers to the ironwork with which the chariot was fortified.

On the front of the wagon there was a pole with a yolk for the horses. There were usually two or four horses drawing the chariot.

The First Chariots

The oldest chariots from antiquity that we know about were used by the Hittites and the Egyptians. According to the Old Testament, the Philistines (1 Samuel 13:5) and the Canaanites (Judges 1:19) also had chariots.

Chariots for the Israelites

The Israelites did not get chariots until later. According to 1 Kings 10, King Solomon ensured that the army of the Israelites had chariots.

It is known from Assyrian inscriptions that Kings Ahab and Joram of Israel, and King Ahaziah of Judah, owned a large number of chariots.

Use During a Siege

When laying siege to a city, chariots could be used to patrol the perimeter of the city. This was to ensure nobody escaped and that food could not be smuggled in. Chariots were also used to deliver supplies to the soldiers on the battlefield.


A battle probably required hundreds of horses. This was because they could not be used for longer than an hour at a stretch, so they had to be changed often. It is possible that they were also considerate of their horses in not fighting during the heat of the day, but early in the morning or at the end of the day.

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