Bible Society of South Africa


Bronze is a strong and hard metal which is made by mixing two relatively soft metals: copper and tin, or instead of tin, another metal such as lead.

Copper and Bronze

Bronze was made in the Levant from the beginning of the second millennium before Christ. The Bible mentions a foundry in the Jordan Valley (1 Kings 7:46).

In Hebrew, the same word is used for copper and bronze. It is therefore not always clear which metal is meant.

Bronze Objects

Well-known bronze and copper objects in the Bible are:

Bronze as a Metaphor

Bronze is also used as a metaphor for toughness and durability:

“I knew that you would prove to be stubborn,
as rigid as iron and unyielding as bronze.
And so I predicted your future long ago,
announcing events before they took place,
to keep you from claiming
that your idols and images made them happen” (Isaiah 48:4-5).

“Everyone in this land — the kings of Judah, the officials, the priests, and the people — will be against you. But today I am giving you the strength to resist them; you will be like a fortified city, an iron pillar, and a bronze wall” (Jeremiah 1:18).

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