Bible Society of South Africa


Battles usually took place between two armies in an open field. The army was normally split into a number of subdivisions in order to attack the opponent from different sides.


Before the start of the battle, both armies set up camp in a defensible spot. From there, they got into formation for the fight. Soldiers with spears and shields were placed at the front, behind them archers and soldiers with slingshots to provide cover for the soldiers.

1 Samuel 17:1-3 describes how the armies of Israel and the Philistines were set up on two hills opposite each other. There they got into formation. The battle would take place in the valley between the two hills.


The Israelites did not have chariots until the time of Solomon, but their opponents often did. This is why it was better for the Israelites to set up in a higher place, where chariots and horses could not reach them. Chariots were only usable when fighting on a plain.

According to 1 Kings 10:26, King Solomon ensured that the Israelites got chariots, like their enemies.

The Battle

At the start of the battle, a ram’s horn was blown. Then the army charged, shouting loudly.

When the armies were still at a distance from each other, slings, throwing spears and bows and arrows were used to kill the enemy. Then they turned to hand to hand combat, for which mainly swords, spears and clubs were used.

Sometimes they tried to surround the enemy soldiers, so that they could not escape. According to 2 Samuel 5:22-25, this is how David defeats the Philistines in the Valley of Rephaim.

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