Bible Society of South Africa


Redemption is a familiar custom in the Old Testament. It was intended to ensure that people and possessions (such as a field) remained within one’s own family.

Redemption by the Family

If someone had to sell himself as a slave in order to pay off his debts, he could be redeemed by a family member. Even if someone had to sell his field or his house, that property could be bought back by family members.
If someone’s field was not redeemed by a family member, the original owner had his own land returned to him in a Year of Restoration.

Redemption in Ruth

In the biblical book of Ruth, redemption is also linked to levirate marriage. In this case, not only must an unknown family member buy the field from Elimelech to prevent it falling into the hands of strangers, but also the man must marry Ruth to ensure that the deceased husband will still have descendants. If that family member refuses, then Boaz is the person who has to take these duties upon himself.

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