Bible Society of South Africa


After their father’s death, sons would receive his possessions as inheritance. The eldest son received a double portion, his birthright. People could draw up a will during their lifetime to detail how their possessions should be divided up.

Within the Family

In principle, daughters did not receive an inheritance, but they did receive a dowry when they married. However, if someone died and did not have any sons, his wealth did go to his daughter(s). Should anyone die childless, his possessions would go to his brothers. In short, wealth always had to stay within the family (see Numbers 27:1-11).
Slaves could also inherit. An example of this can be found in Genesis 15:2-4, where Abraham is worried that his possessions will go to his slave Eliezer. Out of the parable of the tenants in Matthew 21:33-44 we can see that servants can also inherit a vineyard if there is no son.


A widow did not inherit anything. She could, however, marry her brother-in-law in order to have children and so secure her future.

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