Bible Society of South Africa


All sorts of different illnesses and disabilities are mentioned in the Bible: lameness, blindness, deafness, various rashes (such as the Hebrew tzaraath), fever, etc. In reality, the number of diseases in the world of the Bible must have been much greater, as there was not much in the way of health care in the ancient world.


In ancient times, people assumed that illnesses were caused by forces outside themselves. That could be other people, but also demons or gods.
In the Bible, illnesses are also sometimes seen as a punishment from God. In order to get better, the sick person must become reconciled with God.


We do not know exactly how people tried to cure illness. Wounds were treated with oil, wine, dried figs and balm. For instance, the good Samaritan used wine and oil to treat the wounds of the man who had been attacked by thieves (Luke 10:34).
Naaman has to immerse himself in the River Jordan seven times (2 Kings 5:13-14) to be healed, and Hezekiah is cured when dried figs are placed on his wounds (2 Kings 20:1-11).


There were doctors, but they could not usually deliver on their promise of being able to cure people. They were often seen as frauds. Jeremiah laments ironically that his people are not healed although there are plenty of doctors in Gilead (Jeremiah 8:22–9:6). The fact that a king sought help from quacks and liars could be seen as a lack of faith in God (2 Chronicles 16:12).
From the Jewish scholar Jesus Sirach we get a different point of view. For him it is clear that sickness is caused by man sinning against his creator, but he does think that sick people should go to a doctor to be cured. Sirach has written a whole treatise about the consultation of doctors (see Sirach 38 and sickness and cure by Jesus Sirach).

Stories about Illness

Both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament there are stories about illness. Examples from the Old Testament are:

In the New Testament it is mainly Jesus who heals:

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